
Forum Fanatic
Sep 28, 2018
That DITLO thing isn't a good thing. It's actually a really bad thing. We've all seen this playout before if you've been around here long enough. A developer hits a wall with their game, and starts to work on something else instead in an attempt to refresh themselves. I don't know that this has ever actually worked though. If anything, its just put more stress on the devs plate. Instead of one project, you now have two.

This is like when you don't want to do something, even though you know you have to, so you procrastinate and make up something else you need to do in order to delay doing the other thing. I think we've all done this before. And BD is probably doing it now, whether he realizes it or not.
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Engaged Member
Apr 28, 2020
At this point I'm more worried for BD than for the game, I really hope he will solve his problems before doing everything else. :cry:
Always had his back and will keep on supporting him. He just should do it like a regular job 8h per day with breaks and lunch time,40h week mon-fri weekends off. Family is more important. Not all Dev get involved with their Patrons as much as he does, hope all goes well in his life. And let's not forget a 30 day vacation on that list(paid).


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2017

See the older "DITLO Explained"!


Okay, so I tried to keep it short and to the point but that almost always feels like a mistake because when you're this behind on something, people assume the worst and completely forget everything you've said in the past so you have to say it again.

I went ahead and made this day in the life of as I have been dealing with issues around releasing the main update. Mainly anxiety just based off the many changes and the delays and everything.
Mental health hasn't been doing so hot and I don't think I could handle a bad release right now. I couldn't handle the backlash or criticism and I feel like it would do way more long term damage to me than waiting a little bit longer.
I care a lot about this shit, too much in fact. I'm not here twiddling an evil mustache I'm here trying to fucking function and get through it.
That's the complete truth, it doesn't make me sound good but it's what's happening.
Many have said to just release it and walk away from the computer but I know myself and I wouldn't be able to.

I've also been in a mood where I want to change everything about the update but I know that's mostly the anxiety manifesting itself so I've done my best to not touch the actual update as I'm worried about going down the rabbit hole of "fixing" everything.

Add those things together and I decided to make something I've been talking about for well over a year.
I'm not focusing on DITLO over the update or anything. I have no intentions of working on the next one until at least July anyway.
I made DITLO simply because it felt good to make right now. I'm hoping putting something out there even if it's not what everyone wants will help me get over some of my release anxiety.

That's it. All of this has been said before but now it's all in one place so hopefully it translates better.
Also I haven't completely stopped working on the main game. I've still been making progress with the month 1 redo and the update after this one.

Okay, ditlo dropping soon. Thanks for reading (again)
Love this guy, pure comedy every time ^^ this was if possible even more stupid then the writing in WVM, what a gem!


Jul 7, 2020
Gotta love the comments :ROFLMAO:
If you are not a patreon sub and have critizism or getting impatient: SHUT THE F*** UP YOU ARE NOT EVEN A SUB
If you are a patreon sub and have critizism or getting impatient: SHUT THE F*** UP AND UNSUB ALREADY

only valid opinions seem to be "come on dev chill take another year"


New Member
May 17, 2022
View attachment 443831

After a rough start to your life, you're finally ready to head off to college. As the top high school recruit in basketball you could have went to any school anywhere in the country. Although due to your relationship with your new mother you decide to go to WVM. It was a move that shocked many as WVM is not known for its basketball team. In fact they didn't even manage to win a game last year. All eyes are on you to perform and turn the team around. Your humble past will be tested and many temptations lay before you. How will you handle being the star on campus?
Thread Updated: 2021-10-17
Release Date: 2021-10-15
Developer: Braindrop -
Censorship: No
Version: v0.10.0.1 Beta
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English
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You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.

You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.

All Offtopic conversations should be held at the WVM Offtopic thread
Thank you!

If you've already played through 0.9.4 then there's no need to download 0.9.4 Save fix. This is for those that were having save issues.

Win/Linux: - - MEGA -
Mac: - - MEGA -
(v0.9.5): - - MEGA -
Update: MEGA - -

Extras: Fan Sigs - WVM Character Sheet (Includes spoilers for up to Day 9 - Game Guide - Walkthrough - Gallery Mod*
Italian Translation - Spanish Translation - Mini FAQ -
Cheat/Music/Walkthrough Mod* - Walkthrough Mod* - BDay renders

*This unofficial port/version is not released by developer, download at your own risk.

View attachment 492913 View attachment 492914 View attachment 492917 View attachment 492925 View attachment 492912 View attachment 492911 View attachment 492924 View attachment 492918 View attachment 492915 View attachment 492916 View attachment 492919 View attachment 492922 View attachment 492923 View attachment 492926 View attachment 492921
i have save issues what should i do


Apr 11, 2019
If MC wants Shauna to fuck Jamie it'll happen and the girls will like it

Also, it's inconceivable, given the impregnation themes, that Shauna wouldn't want kids of her own and, since on the trans route she can't get pregnant it only makes sense that she'd have a kid with Jamie

Again, only want to see it in epilogue but not against it in principle
Shauna is a trans women, depending on which option you pick.

Therefore she views herself as a woman, as the MC's woman in fact. In the game we may be able to slowly talk her into penis play but that's it. Shauna has literally no desire to use her penis in any other situation, not to mention I'm pretty sure she's into guys, the only one who's been confirmed as truly Bi is Rainn and Bailey I think?

The others are mostly doing it for the MC I think? Cause believe it or not, being in a harem doesn't = Liking other women sexually.

They mostly do it for the MC, I know Jaime does, Jaime basically gave us a whole harem to make us happy and to see us make people "happy".

Again, this is conjecture but Shauna isn't in to women, she's into the only Gary Stu omega chad in the WVM universe. AKA Big dick mcgee MC.
  • Like
Reactions: Naxos


Uploading the World
Mar 2, 2019

A Day In The Life Of Harper taking place on Day 15.
Poll for the next ditlo will be sometime next month.

- - -

- - -

- - -

Please report any bugs or typos to the #Bug Reports channel on Discord.
Thank you for playing.

(Releasing for Tier 1 as well due to the circumstances. If you upped your pledge yesterday thinking you had to to get the ditlo. Please DM me and I will refund you.)

Note: I am not sure if the extra dot in the APK filename messes with the install. If you have problems, remove the first dot in " wvm.ditlo.apk "
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2021
My personal thoughts on the situation: it's been brought up several times and I agree so far:

Braindrop announces an update -> external circumstances come that make the targeted date impossible -> people get pissed -> BD says it will come at a later date with more content -> external circumstances or an underestimation of scope or other disturbances make the date impossible again -> people get pissed -> BD gets more bogged down and digs the hole in his own writing block cade.

Here's what I think would help him the most:

1. he has to realize that no matter how much he puts out with the next update, there will be quite a few people who say: "We waited decades for that little update now?". Fucking Milker!!!"*

He will never be able to please everyone. That being said, he's not the only dev here who's been getting his panties in an unbelievable twist with the update size.

2. his current update model is obviously not working. I think he should aim for smaller updates (2-3 ingame days) in a 4-5 month period for the next update periods. I don't know his work rate nor the work rate of the people looking for bugs for him, but I think less content with a rhythm that leaves enough air that he can still breathe and buffer time for glitches would do him good and at least bring back some trust from his patreon. Then when he has a working workflow again, then he can adjust the size back up bit by bit.

In the end, devs need to realize that extremely large update are more of a bane than a boon for them and prefer to release smaller updates, especially when they've been so repeatedly screwed over in the course of their work.



Feb 20, 2020
Oh man, people will get mad when they see what's in there.
Or rather, what isn't :D

Is it just me or are these boobs keep getting bigger?
An overwhelming disappointment indeed. It's a shame to see the time and work BD spend on whatever that was. I don't think the crowd will be happy.

So when was censorship a problem with this game? Now we are censoring this side project? View attachment 1837752
Close your eyes and picture her in sexy lingerie showing a little boob in place of the censor. x10 times better ? ;)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
After playing this small episode. I have to be honest, it would benefit Braindrop to hire a writer. I think the renders are fine but the writing needs work.

There is a part where Harper is complaining about her looks in the mirror but she has a rock solid body and she acts like she needs to loose weight. It's almost unbelievable. Also some of the dialog seems childish. Screenshot (206).png

I would say I do like Jamie's appearance in this.
Screenshot (207).png


Engaged Member
May 9, 2018
Impregnation and pregnacy are massive turn-offs for you :WaitWhat: It's good that there are only few people like you, cuz there is nothing better than this:love:
No reason to kink shame those who don't share your likes.

And there might be more that share that view than you think.

lemonfreak shauna doing any dick work with any of the girls, won't go down well at all and will bring the cries of the 3 letter tag or sharing at the very least. Either way it won't go down well with a lot of fans of this game.

There is a part where Harper is complaining about her looks in the mirror but she has a rock solid body and she acts like she needs to loose weight. It's almost unbelievable.
Not at all. Some women struggle with body issues despite being supper hot or sexy. Nothing unbelievable about that as a plot point.


Message Maven
Mar 28, 2017
After playing this small episode. I have to be honest, it would benefit Braindrop to hire a writer. I think the renders are fine but the writing needs work.

There is a part where Harper is complaining about her looks in the mirror but she has a rock solid body and she acts like she needs to loose weight. It's almost unbelievable. Also some of the dialog seems childish. View attachment 1837791

I would say I do like Jamie's appearance in this.
View attachment 1837794
Did you ever met a woman or at least a teenage girl?
Most of them are thinking they have problems with height,weight,skin,boobs,legs etc.
3.70 star(s) 650 Votes