
Apr 18, 2020
Well I for one am delighted with this news, and its nice to meet you as well Mackenzie.
I for one agree that if he spends less time reading all these comments he'll be able to focus more on his work, and yeah lets face it, everyone bogging down on him won't make it any more fun for him to continu especialy with the negative time he had in the past 2 years.

What i do wanna know, and if you can relay this question to him, will his work end up on Steam?
There are several other Ren'py's out there, Being a Dik, Leap of Faith and several others as well, and I for one would love to see WVM in that list as well.
and if he needs an incentive for doing so, well it means a extra form of income, an extra push to actualy Hold him accountable just like you're doing for him now.
Plus I don't have a creditcard, so it means I rely on iDeal here in holland, and steam supports that.

Last but not least, i know that braindrop had a difficult time the last 2 years, and it kinda showed in WVM as well, the big fight that i was worried about before it even happened, heck everyone even said, no he is a pushover, he doesnt have the power, dont worry about it, but it happened anyways, just as i feared.
Will WVM reflect more positive times now as well seeing things are looking up for Braindrop?

Greetings Riggnarock.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2018

View attachment 2003339

Hello all!

There has been a lot happening behind the scenes and I'm here to tell you about some of it.
First off, let me introduce myself.

I'm Mackenzie. (Actually, that's my real name.)

Braindrop has hired me to be his community manager and it's nice to meet all of you.

I will be the one making all of the posts as well as answering any questions that I can. Additionally, I have some other roles that we'll get into later in this post.

Let us start with explaining our plan for these Mind Drops going forward.

Mind Drops

With Braindrop stepping away from his public role to focus on the game, you may be left wondering how we plan on keeping you all informed on the progress of his development.

Our current plan is to have bi-weekly Mind Drops. (So the next one will be on September 7th)
In these posts I will relay the information I have received from Braindrop about how much he has accomplished as well as any relevant info that needs to be shared.

We intend to share the usual as far as render counts and such but we also plan to add additional things like detailing a lot of the work that can go unnoticed.

We want to keep this first Mind Drop relatively short so we can focus on the necessary information but in the following one we plan on showing a lot of the work that went into making the background characters for the upcoming basketball game.


So, let me be blunt.
One huge thing that Braindrop made clear to me when offering me this role was that he did not want a PR person to hand wave away all of the mistakes that have been made and all future mistakes.

His words were that he wanted someone to "Keep it real".

A big fear of his was that if he stepped away he would lose a lot of "pressure" or "sense of accountability".

So, a big part of my job is holding him accountable to the things we've discussed and planned out behind the scenes.

Let's be honest. As far as the update schedule has gone... it's been awful. I know it, you know it, Braindrop knows it.
That goes for game updates as well as side content.

We have both sat down and planned out the next few months.
Another role of mine is helping organize out the files and what not for the updates. I've been given access to all of the files for Days 32-38.

Our plans change mostly everything that had been stated before. So forget everything that was said previously. We feel it is best to start fresh.

We will share that our plan is to start small but consistent to build up some momentum.

We will not be sharing any release dates yet... but be on the lookout for something very soon.

Side Content

Our plan is to get start releasing side content again sooner rather than later.
Birthday renders and client polls will be starting back very soon.

We also plan on adding a few different things that won't take much time away from development. Things such as "Additional teasers" posts as well as more silly things like hair swap renders.

There are a few other side things in the works but our focus is on getting the main game back up and running before delving any further into side things.

One final note on side content is that the Character Sheets will be updated after Days 32-38 are finished and released. They will be updated to the end of Day 38 and the intention is to update them after every in-game week.

Thanks for reading

That's all we have to share for this first Mind Drop.

We do apologize for how long this took to get out, there were plenty of issues with granting me access to the patreon and SS accounts. Things won't take as long moving forward.

We understand the situation we are in and how we're perceived right now. Our goal right now is just to get back on track however we can. Braindrop and I are forever grateful for all of the support through some of his worst times.

It's a new day and we want to fix things.

More soon.

Thank you guys and it's nice to meet you all. I will do my best to answer any questions you may have.
Well, this sounds good on paper. Hopefully we can start seeing some progress. Sooner rather than later. I defended this Dev on Harem Highlander's page oh here because I have faith in this Dev. Please don't let my faith die off. I love this game and hope that it continues. And congratulations on getting hired.


May 26, 2017
Every one of the Characters got a Birthday post since BD put anything meaningful out there xD

Let's be honest. As far as the update schedule has gone... it's been awful. I know it, you know it, Braindrop knows it.
That goes for game updates as well as side content.

We have both sat down and planned out the next few months.

This reads like one of those "we are sorry posts" any AAA game publisher like EA puts out there after their game was unfinished and bug infested, just to change absolutely nothing on about how they handle these things or even preventing them.


Aug 10, 2017
Every one of the Characters got a Birthday post since BD put anything meaningful out there xD

Let's be honest. As far as the update schedule has gone... it's been awful. I know it, you know it, Braindrop knows it.
That goes for game updates as well as side content.

We have both sat down and planned out the next few months.

This reads like one of those "we are sorry posts" any AAA game publisher like EA puts out there after their game was unfinished and bug infested, just to change absolutely nothing on about how they handle these things or even preventing them.
Can't wait for the next update and the Pride and Accomplishment post. In a year.


Jun 24, 2018
Probably one of the best game I've ever played.The plot, the graphics, dialogues are all amazing. Just keep doing what you do dude and please don't listen to some random idiot's fetishes etc and end up spoiling the game. I'll be honest, I've never considered supporting the devs(as most of them are milkers) but your work makes me change my mind. Still in college tho, but I would like to support your work as soon as I am able to. One more thing, I've read a comment here stating one of your future goals is to change the game into sandbox. Humble request,please try to keep it a VN as imo it'll lose it's charm if converted to Sandbox. I'm in no position to make any demands but please consider this request if possible. All in all,you're worthy of every single penny donated to your Patreon and I believe that'll be the case in future too. Don't push yourself too hard in fulfilling your fans requests. We all would love to see the game grow. You and this game have a lot of potential and considering the fact that you're doing it all by yourself makes me even respect you more.
Gullible sopanoob


May 6, 2017
WVM [S2 C1 E1] [Compressed]

Original Size Win/Linux: 3.75 GB
Original Size Mac: 3.71 GB

Compressed Size Win/Linux: 1.03 GB: - MEGA
Compressed Size Mac: 1.00 GB: - MEGA

Compressing process reduces image/audio/video quality and can break the game, be aware of that.

You can find all of my Walkthrough Mods content here:
or you can
Check out my
Can someone please re-upload the win/linux one to mega if possible as i lost it all when i had to get a bigger hard drive in my computer thanks for any help, not sure if it was asked before if so i apologize


Jun 30, 2022
Can someone please re-upload the win/linux one to mega if possible as i lost it all when i had to get a bigger hard drive in my computer thanks for any help, not sure if it was asked before if so i apologize
Maybe it helps, maybe it doesn't, but I bought a 1TB flash drive off Amazon for like 20$ and I keep the zip files for games i like on there, because I only have 256GB storage on my laptop. This way i keep a couple that I am playing around and then ones I want to try or play again on the thumb drive until i need them.
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Reactions: Ivyxxx and Raio10


May 6, 2017
The new version contains the same game as that version
I know just wanted to download the compressed version of the game and it was the season 2 version which is the newest one for now of the game :) but i will download the full version if i have to but will wait for now to see if someone re-ups it.


Former Legendary Game Compressor
Mar 16, 2019
I know just wanted to download the compressed version of the game and it was the season 2 version which is the newest one for now of the game :) but i will download the full version if i have to but will wait for now to see if someone re-ups it.
Season 2 includes season 1


Former Legendary Game Compressor
Mar 16, 2019
I presume (I might be wrong) what Raio10 was trying to point out to you was that your compressed Mega download links are no longer available. Both Win/Linux & Mac.

View attachment 2027682
Because people in this forum for some reason like to report the compressors MEGA links, so that we have our account suspended, why do you think no Compressor is including Mega links, people repay us by reporting our accounts, if Mega doesn't work there's another link there, I will only add more hosts when I have the time.
Last edited:


Feb 28, 2022
First of all, I will use google translate because my English is not good, so there may be many places you do not understand, sorry in advance. My friend Braindrop, I am just a normal player, I do not know much about making games or drawing, but as I played the game, ideas began to form in my head, the protagonist tries to spend as much time as possible with everyone, for example the protagonist jasmine says you can stay here with us then jamie says let's cuddle and spend time together and says things like that to a lot of other girls then she thinks that she doesn't spend enough time on sports and herself as far as i understand you don't want to draw any drawing badly or sloppy whatever you draw You want them all to look top quality and cool, but the character has so many people that you can't decide which one to draw first and how to advance the story. At the same time, you want to draw basketball games, except for the character stories. It gets confused and you don't want to make a silly decision and rush the story that you have taken so great so far, I think you are doing the most logical thing if you had rushed and made poor quality drawings until now, no one would love the game so much and still not be waiting for example, I normally don't comment much. I am a person who does not like to write texts, but I wanted to write this article because people are overloading you, maybe you will see this article and I wanted to remember that there are people who know that no matter how long we have to wait for you, they will make the best decision for the game and offer us a nice job, I hope you don't tire yourself too much. You present us the game with beautiful story and illustrations as you did. Let me state it again, since my English is not very good, I will write this article here with the help of translation, I hope I have explained as much as I want to you.

I'm leaving the text of the comment I wrote in my own language here, if anyone can explain this text to you better than google translate, I would like to thank that person.

Öncelikle İngilizcem iyi olmadığı için google çeviri kullanacağım bu yüzden anlamadığınız çoğu yer olabilir şimdiden kusura bakmayın.Dostum Braindrop ben sadece normal bir oyuncuyum oyun yapmak veya çizim yapmak hakkında pek bilgim yok ama oyunu oynadıkça kafamda şöyle fikirler oluşmaya başladı baş kahraman herkese olabildiğince vakit ayırmaya çalışıyor örneğin şöyle baş kahraman jasmine burada bizimle kalabilirsin diyor sonra jamie birlikte sarılıp uzanıp vakit geçirelim diyor ve daha bir sürü kıza bunun gibi şeyler diyor sonrasında sürekli spora ve kendisine yeterli vakit ayırmadığını düşünüyor benim anladığım kadarıyla sen hiç bir çizimi kötü veya özentisiz şekilde çizmek istemiyorsun ne çizersen cız hepsinin en iyi kalitede ve havalı durmasını istiyorsun ama karakter o kadar çok kişiye sahip ki ilk önce hangisini çizsem kime öncelik versem hikayeyi nasıl ilerletsem buna karar veremiyorsun aynı zaman da karakter hikayeleri hariç basketbol maçlarını da çizmek istediğin için kafan allak bullak oluyor ve saçma bir karar verip şuana kadar bu kadar harika götürdüğün hikayeyi acele edip batırmak istemiyorsun ki bence en mantıklısını yapıyorsun eğer şuana kadar acele edip kalitesiz çizimler yapsaydın kimse oyunu bu kadar çok sevmez ve hala bekliyor olmazdı örneğin ben normal de fazla yorum yapmayan uzun metin yazmayı sevmeyen biriyim ama insanlar sana çok fazla yükleniyor diye bu yazıyı yazmak istedim belki sende bu yazıyı görür ve seni ne kadar beklememiz gerekirse gereksin oyun için en iyi kararı verip bize güzel bir iş sunucağını bilen insanlarında olduğunu unutma istedim umarım kendini fazla yormadan tıpkı su ana kadar yaptığın gibi güzel hikaye ve çizimler ile bizi oyunu sunarsın. Tekrar belirteyim ingilizcem pek iyi olmadığı için bu yazıyı çeviriden yardım alarak buraya yazıcam umarım istediğim kadarını sana doğru anlatabilmişimdir.


Feb 28, 2022
After a certain part of the story, the value of shauna to us increases because without her, we would not have come to this city and reunited with any of our family members.
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Reactions: Rutonat


Apr 18, 2020

Mind Drops

With Braindrop stepping away from his public role to focus on the game, you may be left wondering how we plan on keeping you all informed on the progress of his development.

Our current plan is to have bi-weekly Mind Drops. (So the next one will be on September 7th)
I don't know his timezone, but it's into the late afternoon for me... any update or new Mind Drop? Or did the PR person whiff that right out of the gate as well?
3.70 star(s) 650 Votes