
Engaged Member
Aug 19, 2019
the optional trans tag is for shawna. where you can either have her as a vaginal women or a (penis) women
AFAIK this also includes Penelope's sex, but I absolutely understand if you never let yourself find out in the game.


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2017
I think BD is ignoring the major elephant in the room... 99% of people who support him on patron aren't doing it to see a basketball game, they're doing it because they're horny fucks and want more sex scenes, basketball be damned. As I brought up before, I just figured the basketball games would be handled like in Blue Mountain State where we hear the before and after and call it good, which in turn saves time, energy, and above all, gives people more of what they want.
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Jan 25, 2022
In my playthrough, Shauna and Penny aren't trans (and Penny isn't even a LI because I've declined that path). Skye still is, but he's not physically altered. Biologically, he's still 100% female, just as a lot of real world transsexuals are. Sex isn't gender, and sexual orientation is what it says on the label. You can be a straight male and interact with a trans male without suddenly being gay, if that's what scares you. Even though Skye is expected to become a LI, most of them can be friend zoned if you just don't want to pursue them.

Having a trans character "forced" on you simply isn't anywhere in this game, but you're screaming about it as if it is. I've heard the Penny scene is more aggressive than people expected (and written out of character), but you don't get that unless you've already indicated an interest in her.


Chasing Redhead sm0ls
Jun 2, 2017
Like man can't you pop in NBA2k and record some basketball shit and then cut to bench scenes with MC and Harper?

Then show some more NBA2k and cut to the "We won the game without MC" after game scenes??

I mean I ain't here for basketball so who TF cares if that is the "game scenes"



Feb 27, 2022
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like people tend to mix gender and sexual orientation.
A person can be perfectly transsexual and like people of the same gender, to put it more simply; Shauna, trans version, could like or love Jamie. That would make her gender female and her orientation gay. Not because she identifies as a woman does she have to like men.
Of course there are more precise terms for all of this, I just hope you get the idea.

Shauna & jamie.png
Oct 22, 2017
BD never gave us optional futa/trans.

He gave us optional no-dick - which translated to optional futa/trans in forum tags.
(Shauna and Penny are female or pre-op trans women)
(This potentially only alters the story in a minor way as Shauna's body issues will stem from somewhere else now in the rework. Also, Shauna is an unavoidable main character of the story, while Skye is a romantically avoidable side character.)

So your only argument could be - 'why can't Skye have a dick?'
(making Skye a post-op trans man - or male, instead of a transman who doesn't care about genitals)
(Makes no sense from BDs point of view, because he wanted trans characters, only adding a non-dick option for people not comfortable with them. Changing Skye would either add a dick or have a major impact on the story because it wouldn't work as is or branch into completely different setups with the choice.)

If you not being able to give Skye a dick, make him a straight male, or drop him completely from the story is reason enough to drop the game ...

Not saying there are no problems and I don't support BD anymore, but this ... shouldn't be one of the major points of critique? ... :unsure:
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Oct 22, 2017
... Biologically, he's still 100% female, just as a lot of real world transsexuals are. Sex isn't gender, and sexual orientation is what it says on the label. You can be a straight male and interact with a trans male without suddenly being gay, if that's what scares you. ...
Not that I know my way around this topic all that much - never played a role IRL for me and I only stumbled about it/started thinking about it because of WVM/Apartment 69, but it's even more than that I think.
(If I'm ignorant here, please tell me, it's not on purpose!)

It is something that was mentioned either in one of these 2 threads or a youtube video linked from them.

Attraction - at least initially, is mostly based on external stimuli due to the lack of others. If you don't know a person, but feel attracted to them and they 'seem' to be female, chances are high you are straight in case you identify as a man and vice versa. (Otherwise, traps wouldn't be a thing.)
So, walking past Skye and being attracted to him doesn't make you gay if you are a guy.

After getting to know a person, it gets less clear at first. But unless you are attracted to the concept of Skye identifying as a male - a tomboy also has 'male traits' - are you gay in case you are attracted to one?

Ignoring everything but 'external stimuli', I'd say if you are attracted to Skye, knowing him, but not Shauna as a trans woman - that still sounds like being attracted to feminine stimuli.

Same if you are attracted to a trans woman Shauna, but not her dick (so her feminine face/boobs/...).

I'd even say, being straight/gay is out the window as a classification outside bodily/external attraction.

Without an attached body, how do you differentiate minds/feelings/views in terms of gender or sexuality? Sounds pretty problematic, starting with the tomboy example.

Then, what difference does it make if that body was grown or altered into its present form if its mere presence triggers (non-)attraction already?

Which in turn makes it pretty easy again I think. Based on what you identify as, what are you attracted to? The male body? The female body? Both?

This is somewhat simplified/boiled down, but as I said, I feel like straight/gay are worthless beyond physical attraction.

We could start, for example, 'what if a man and a pre-op trans man are together and he gets the op?'
But then, either they talked about it so the man is probably at least bi.
Or, the trans man didn't tell and it comes 'out of nowhere'.

Letting aside that that is shitty behavior in a relationship, and on its own might cause a break-up, I can't see the man remaining in the relationship for years/decades/... if he is not at least bi. If he was straight and not at least open to trying (bi-curious?), how should that ever work long-term? So they would most likely break-up if he was straight. But might very well stay friends - potentially? At least there would be no problem 'with the ex' then.
So the same as breaking up with a woman because it doesn't work, but staying friends because you still connect/share something - just without later complications.

If the trans man stays pre-op - from the man's point of view, what is the difference to being with a tomboy/female athlete? Does the usage of 'he' regarding your partner make you gay? Does the sexual orientation of your partner in conjunction with their mere identification (without their physical body) influence your own sexual orientation? I don't think it does.
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