
New Member
May 4, 2019
His wife couldn't post an update for him either? Sounds like more excuses to me... Every update seems to have many of them. What ever happened to those 2000+ renders?
I'm not the only one who doesn't believe BD has a wife or kid, am I? I would wager that they were invented to give believable excuses for delays beyond the plethora of health, technical, and personal tragedies he's already come up with. Any guesses as to what BD's reason(s) for the next series of delays will be? My money is on his "wife" getting pregnant again and having a vaguely complicated pregnancy.
Oct 19, 2020
Can't believe people still believing his excuses. More than 1 year ago we supposed to get 2k+ render update fast forward to today still we haven't got 2k+ renders. We got less than 1k renders.

In summary 2 years passed less than 1k renders we got. If BrainExcuses was reliable and responsible we should of get at least 5k renders.

Take DrPinkCake as example less than 10 months he'll deliver 5k renders can't remember the animation number and 10+ songs.

During those 10 months period. He's gone to vacation. He even got sick from COVID-19. He's still kicking.

There are so many things to say but if i ll voice it probably get banned and this game won't worth it.
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Nov 25, 2016
So funny... the guy who always dodges his committments suddenly has a golden excuse right when hes poised to release the update which he has already said is the hardest one for him to release?

What a load of bullshit.

And he has the cringe to write that he can't deal with people calling him a liar. Joke.

Where's Mackenzie? Didn't she have the log in information for Patreon? But she couldn't post cuz she was away for thanksgiving? Couldnt post on the internet which is literally accessible for anywhere in the world? Where did she go for thanksgiving, antartica?

And he "gave her the rest of the year off" wtf? Does this guy think like how he writes? Thats so embarrassingly cringe, why would you give someone the rest of the year off. No one does that or says that! Does he literally think in tv tropes like chris-chan or something lol?


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
Can't believe people still believing his excuses. More than 1 year ago we supposed to get 2k+ render update fast forward to today still we haven't got 2k+ renders. We got less than 1k renders.

In summary 2 years passed less than 1k renders we got. If BrainExcuses was reliable and responsible we should of get at least 5k renders.
I would suggest editing your post. Using other developers as reference is a good way for a mod to delete the post.

But I do agree. I don't believe anything that BD has said. Even with the Mackenzie person writing the Braindrops. It is like she or BD in disguise had to eat her words about the delays or promises. So it is interesting that she is on vacation for the rest of the year???

Now the last update or really the only update was back in July I believe. It was promises in April, then May then it looked like it wasn't going to happen and then he put out the 400 render update with a plan to release chunks. Which if I remember was supposed to be another 300 render update shortly after. Never happened to my knowledge.

Then all these talk about redoing renders and whatever was causing the 2000 render update to be delayed but it was supposed to be broken down into chunks so yeah those chunks, where are those?

I don't care as much as I did. I was past supporter of his and now I just pop in and pop out.

It's really sad because in the beginning, it started it off pretty good. But now I just feel whatever mental state that BD is in. It's just not the same anymore.


Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
I saw some comments about a timeskip. Should I wait for the Devs to add that part in? Or is the story still understandable without the missing part? And did the Dev's gave any estimate on how long will the reboot take?
If by timeskip you're referring tov when the time line gets retconed, you can still play and really enjoy the game. The only issue is when you get to the part where you're told about the upcoming timeline change, the content after that acts like you've seen and played the changed version. It's not a huge issue, it's still all very enjoyable, but there are characters there that you the player don't know but your character does, because they weren't in the only first half. It's also hard to tell what's still canon and what's been changed.

Still, all that said, what's available right now is very worth downloading and playing. Great story and great characters. I will say though, I'm going to be restarting the game whenever the new version is released with the proper timeline in place


Apr 29, 2021
Yeah, and you are ready to go next day
You can race in F1 two weeks later :LOL: Sauce: Alex Albon Singapore 2022

Weird that Mackenzie didn't update us on this, it's like if BD is out of action, so is Mackenzie. Really weird... Just like when Superman goes missing, Clark Kent doesn't show up at work :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

P.S. pledges won't be paused because hospital bills :KEK:
Sep 10, 2021
I started playing this game a few days ago and it's been great so far. I do have a question though that I can't easily find an answer to on Google.

What are the drawbacks to cheating all the time? Will Jamie break up with MC?


Conversation Conqueror
Jan 26, 2021
I started playing this game a few days ago and it's been great so far. I do have a question though that I can't easily find an answer to on Google.

What are the drawbacks to cheating all the time? Will Jamie break up with MC?
There are no drawbacks at all... the "cheating" isn't a cheating route to begin with.
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Sep 10, 2021
Thanks! Looks like I'll start a new game then. I just thought it was weird that Shauna goes from sex the day she confessed if you cheat, to wanting to take things slow the moment Jamie's allows it.


Oct 4, 2022
He is making stuff up to delay the nothing he has done for months. It surprises me that after all this time from the last update which was in June or July with the 400 renders that he promised to break the 2000 render update that he promised to release by in April or January. But the plan was to release chunks of that update. It's December.

I had to catch up with his excuses of BD and I find it laughable. I have been away from the thread and game. More exciting games, I have been playing. But out of curiosity I looked and behold the excuses still continue. Funny how on the 19th of November he was supposed to release something and, on the day, he says he needs more time. Then he says he has been in the hospital.

Another funny thing is this McGuffin character is away on vacation lol and can't post an update? I thought BD gave her his login credentials to his patreon site. Which you could do from anywhere. I don't believe McCracker is real. I mean why would BD give someone their login credentials to login to their patreon site to see their bank account etc that may be store on his account. I wouldn't be surprise if the next excuse is this McDonald hijacked his account and went on a trip to Jamaica with the money BD has been making.

The guy is lying. But his supporters are too blind by pussy to see that.
It does seem highly unlikely that he happened to get appendicitis, the flu, and pneumonia while constantly delaying this update. He's been working on this exhibition game all year, so it doesn't really make any sense that it's not ready. It's also suspect that he gave Mackenzie the entire month of December off because she plans to visit family on Christmas which is still weeks away. If Braindrop is genuinely sick, then I sincerely hope he takes the time he needs to recover and gets better. However it is really hard to trust someone that has been delaying updates and asking us to pay him more money instead of releasing content.
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Wen I Say

Mar 17, 2019
would you give someone the rest of the year off. No one does that or says that! Does he literally think in tv tropes like chris-chan or something lol?
to be fair the rest of the year off is like 3 weeks....... I agree with everything else but when I was younger I worked for companies that gave us the few weeks leading up to the new year off just saying.


Oct 4, 2022
I decided to break down Braindrop's update post because I'm bored since the game update is probably not coming out until January if not February.

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Ultimately, if Braindrop is genuinely ill then I hope he takes his time getting better and rests well. However, at this point it's extremely hard to trust anything he says when his actions don't reflect his words. Braindrop always has an excuse for everything and at this point it seems like the equivalent of going up to the teacher and saying "my dog ate my homework". I'm grateful that he's kept us updated and is seemingly planning on continuing at some point, but he still deserves to be called out on this shit since he's been asking for more money for nothing.


Oct 4, 2022
to be fair the rest of the year off is like 3 weeks....... I agree with everything else but when I was younger I worked for companies that gave us the few weeks leading up to the new year off just saying.
She had like the last two weeks of November off and the entire month of December off. There is no company in the world that'd give you that much time off. Considering her only job is to make a post every two weeks it makes it even more ridiculous that she needs six weeks off.
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