
Feb 18, 2020
Even the excuses have no effort anymore, these last two have been 'Stuff and Things' happened and is now saying the quiet part out loud, that if he was remotely fairly compensated for the work he didn't do he couldn't survive. Shameless.


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2021
I never stopped working outside of my week off for the Holidays. These pauses were not for rest.
Yeah right. Give me a fucking break. How about instead of writing a whole book of your Bullshit excuses you actually do your fucking hobby/job with that time you wasted typing that shit out. And this statement right here is the best part. ( Trust me, I would pause if I could without immense stress.) Trust you. WHY THE FUCK should anybody trust your lying ass right now. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:


Mar 2, 2018
View attachment 3311663
Important Update. (Pledges will not be paused this month, please adjust accordingly) First I want to start off with saying the second half of the spa trip will be uploaded later today. I'm aiming for around noon EST but it may be a few hours later. This update will be around 170-180 renders and 5 animations. It ended up being a little longer than I thought it would be.

Second, I will not be pausing pledges this month. This is a decision that I do not come to lightly. I personally do not feel 100% comfortable not pausing and to be honest with you guys I fully intended to pause this month but I had some unexpected expenses happen and I can't afford to go another month without income. Trust me, I would pause if I could without immense stress. I do not just provide for myself. I take care of my family and that's why I can't pause right now. Pledges have been paused since October. That's 1/3 of a year and they were paused for good reason. I was not delivering enough and I was missing too much and that is currently still the case but we're almost past it. I never stopped working outside of my week off for the Holidays. These pauses were not for rest.

I have currently released 1,242 renders and 32 animations since pledges were paused. Those numbers will be at least 1400 renders and 37 animations later today. These numbers are still well below my target amount for the amount of time taken but work never stopped, I had a few tech issues and a few irl issues but things are what they are. They should have been better.
I fully support anyone who will decide to stop their pledge. There are absolutely no hard feelings. Furthermore, all content posted this upcoming month including the updates as well as all of the side content will also be posted for all former patrons on the discord. So there is no pressure to stay pledged you will still receive everything. And since this announcement is so late in the month, anyone who is charged is free to ask for a refund and it will be granted.

Though just because I'm not pausing this month does not mean I won't go straight back into pausing next month. I will be setting some goals I must hit to not pause again and there will be some transparency changes.

My goals for February include releasing the rest of Episode 13. Which is everything up until everyone is returning to WVM. I also plan on releasing at least 100-200 renders of Episode 14. I must catch up on Character Sheets and Birthday Renders and I must post the Season 1 redo progress report. If all of those conditions are not met then pledges will be paused in March no matter what.

I plan on adding a channel to the discord where I will post a daily update about what work was accomplished that day. It's nothing major but it should at least give further insight to where some of the dev time goes. I admittedly do a very poor job of explaining a lot of the issues I encounter.

View attachment 3311676 This is what the tracker will look like. (Pictured above)(Sundays are marked as days off but I will usually get a little work done on those days.) While there aren't any specifics outside of numbers, it should at least give further insight and even help me stay on track.

With all of this said, I want to once again thank all of you for the support, the kind words, and the well wishes. I hate having to do this but I have to do this. I hope you understand. I'm going to get back to work on finalizing these last few things for the update today. I'll let you guys know when it's uploading. Normal Dev report this upcoming weekend. Have a wonderful week everyone. ♥
Let's break this down shall we:

Paragraph 1 - Yo, I'm charging your asses for finally releasing my 3 month delayed update, albeit in 2 parts. The second part may be today, but maybe not...

Paragraph 2 - Did I tell you that i'm charging your asses? This VN is my livelihood (I guess I don't make it for myself, and it's not a hobby, but a job), and I need it to feed my family.

Paragraph 3 - Ummm I need to charge you because of know, I had some IRL issues and you know, stuff. But look I gave you all these renders... don't mind that I was late every time and that those 1200 renders were due early in the summer as part of my 52 for 52 campaign.

Paragraph 4 - I think I forgot to mention that I'm charging your asses this month, and I'm charging your asses in February. But I'm going to keep it real and set some goals.

Paragraph 5 - To charge your asses in March, I need to do the following in February:
  1. release episode 13
  2. release my 75mb episode 14 beta part 1 subset (a) release.
  3. "Must catch up on" the character sheets and bday renders (what does that even mean? What's the measuring stick here that triggers the, he's all caught up?)
  4. "must post" season 1 redo progress (in other words, he just has to post that "still working on it".)
If I don't do the above, March is paused. Don't forget though, I'm still charging your asses in February regardless if this list gets done. This list is only for me charging in March.

Paragraph 6 - Look at this pretty Excel sheet I created "WITH COLORS" that will do absolutely nothing for me, except the last column where you can see my excuse.

Paragraph 7 - Kiss my ass, and please subscribe.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2021
Let's break down this down shall we:

Paragraph 1 - Yo, I'm charging your asses for finally releasing my 3 month delayed update, albeit in 2 parts. The second part may be today, but maybe not...

Paragraph 2 - Did I tell you that i'm charging your asses? This VN is my livelihood (I guess I don't make it for myself, and it's not a hobby, but a job), and I need it to feed my family.

Paragraph 3 - Ummm I need to charge you because of know, I had some IRL issues and you know, stuff. But look I gave you all these renders... don't mind that I was late every time and that those 1200 renders were due early in the summer as part of my 52 for 52 campaign.

Paragraph 4 - I think I forgot to mention that I'm charging your asses this month, and I'm charging your asses in February. But I'm going to keep it real and set some goals.

Paragraph 5 - To charge your asses in March, I need to do the following in February:
  1. release episode 13
  2. release my 75mb episode 14 beta part 1 subset (a) release.
  3. "Must catch up on" the character sheets and bday renders (what does that even mean? What's the measuring stick here that triggers the, he's all caught up?)
  4. "must post" season 1 redo progress (in other words, he just has to post that "still working on it".)
If I don't do the above, March is paused. Don't forget though, I'm still charging your asses in February regardless if this list gets done. This list is only for me charging in March.

Paragraph 6 - Look at this pretty Excel sheet I created "WITH COLORS" that will do absolutely nothing for me, except the last column where you can see my excuse.

Paragraph 7 - Kiss my ass, and please subscribe.
What a way to break it down the only thing missing was the "Trust me part" other than that your breakdown was awesome.
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Mar 2, 2018
What I do love about his "List of goals" for charging in March is that he thinks that: 1) we are going to see the chart and the goals and go "oooooo look at how serious he is now" and 2) Thinks we are idiots and don't see just how low he set the bar for charging his patrons in March.

Assuming he did some work previously... (a very big ask). In his last dev report, he was planning on releasing Ep13 part 2 at the end of January. He said it was going to be a 200-300 update.

After his delay of EP13 Part 1, his new "target" was to release Ep13 part 1 (before the 1a and 1b split), and EP13 part 2 before tomorrow for his subscribers. Now he's planning EP13 Part 2 for February (which again probably mostly complete if we assume he's done something). For episode 14, he wants another 75 MB update (100 renders minimum), which probably takes any normal developer about 1-2 weeks. (Grif1001 help me out here since you are a new developer who is just learning all the tools. Is my 1- 2 weeks estimation right?)

Then his final 2 criteria of the "Catching up on" the bday renders, character sheets, and season 1 progress are the biggest pile of horseshit I ever heard. It's such a subjective goal, it's not even funny. You can't even put a measurable task on this that would indicate 100% achieved. Is one character sheet and 1 bday render enough? Is just sending out a message saying "still working on season 1 redo" and adding 1% to the mythical progress bar enough?

In summary, all Shit for Brains has to do is release ep13 (original part 2) which is probably almost done (assuming he did work), and a small 1-2week 75 MB update. The other subjective goals can be knocked out in less than a day.

Now, we wait and see how he fucks it up, and what IRL excuse he uses.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2021
What I do love about his "List" for charging in March is that he thinks that: 1) we are going to see the chart and the list and go "oooooo look at how serious he is now" and 2) Thinks we are idiots and don't see just how low he set the bar for charging his patrons in March.

Assuming he actually did some work previously... (a very big ask). In his last dev report, he was planning on releasing Episode 13 at the beginning of February. It was going to be a 200-300 update and his "target" was to release part 1 of episode 13 (before the 1a and 1b split), and part 2 before tomorrow. For episode 14, he wants another 75 MB update, which probably takes any normal developer about 1-2 weeks. (Grif1001 help me out here since you are a new developer who is just learning all the tools. Is my 1- 2 weeks estimation right?)

Then his final 2 criteria of the "Catching up on" the bday renders, character sheets, and season 1 progress are the biggest pile of horseshit I ever heard. It's such a subjective goal, it's not even funny. You can't even put a measurable task on this that would indicate 100% achieved. Is one character sheet and 1 bday render enough? Is just sending out a message saying "still working on season 1 redo" and adding 1% to the mythical progress bar enough?

In summary, all Shit for Brains has to do is release ep13 (original part 2) which is probably almost done (assuming he did work), and a small 1-2week 75 MB update. The other subjective goals can be knocked out in less than a day.

Now, we wait and see how he fucks it up, and what IRL excuse he uses.
You know all his ass kissing fanboys are eating up that new chart and his promises like candy right now. Because you know he's a trust worthy guy. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:


Mar 2, 2018
You know all his ass kissing fanboys are eating up that new chart and his promises like candy right now. Because you know he's a trust worthy guy. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Very Trustworthy indeed.

For the older gentlemen and ladies, every time I read a BD dev report, I picture these going off right above it.

Bullshit_from_Airplane.gif Airplane_Unbelievable_Bullshit.gif

(If you are younger in age, and know this reference and have seen the movies, you have my utmost respect)
  • Haha
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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2021
Very Trustworthy indeed.

For the older gentlemen and ladies, every time I read a BD dev report, I picture this going off right above it.

View attachment 3312406

(If you are younger in age, and know this reference and have seen the movies, you have my utmost respect)
I still like his comment where he says "I never stopped working." I definitely have to call BS on that. If he hadn't stopped working wouldn't we be past the Spa Date by now and wouldn't we have met Deliah and be back home.


Mar 2, 2018
and wouldn't we have had a few more preseason games? Even "Block Head" Moncree said in the last update that he's getting out of shape. His last game (in story) was approx. 2 days ago, but even he is feeling the damn near 1yr layoff (actual BD development time) between games :ROFLMAO:


Message Maven
Mar 28, 2017
To be fair... even though he does take his time, i still enjoy badik. :unsure: And DPC doesn´t come up with a shitton of excuses.
Not to mention in his case we are talking for 6K renders and 300 animations updates.And tons of music.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 30, 2017
For episode 14, he wants another 75 MB update (100 renders minimum), which probably takes any normal developer about 1-2 weeks. (Grif1001 help me out here since you are a new developer who is just learning all the tools. Is my 1- 2 weeks estimation right?)
That really depends on a number of factors really. If all of the environments are already complete and all I have to do is pose characters, I can do on average between 20 to 30 renders a day using batch rendering and letting the computer render while I sleep. Then you still have to touch up every render in Photoshop or whatever image editing tool you use, and depending on your skill and what’s needed for the specific image, that’s anywhere from 2 to 45 minutes each. However if you’re building a scene from scratch, then depending how much detail you put into it, it can take up to 25-30 hours of work to make one scene. But I have been told that I am too detail oriented. So, it changes for each dev.

I will say this for BD, his images are almost always rendered perfectly despite how people feel about the characters looks. His skill as an artist is on point.
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