Uncle Loco

Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 28, 2020
So happy to hear BD is doing ok, what a great way to start the day. I also updated the mini FAQ with some of the information he posted on his Patreon site. If anyone thinks I missed something that should be added let me know. See the link in my signature if you are not sure or go to the OP if you don't want to click on my link.


Jul 30, 2018
1. Freakin good to hear that you are "okay-ish?".
2. As someone who screwed up and never got the chance to marry the girl of his life:
Marry the shit out of that girlfriend of yours!
And, as it still is, take whatever time and help you need. We are realy starving for a new update, but not at the cost of your health.


Mar 31, 2019
Hey BD, great to see you back alive and kicking.
Don't worry, take all the time you need to heal your wounds, with the people you love and who love you.
Hope to hear from you soon with good news about yourself and your family. (y) (y)
P.D.: let us know when you will reopen patreon subscriptions, as I mean to start contributing.
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Engaged Member
Jan 20, 2020
Again I get it, but, those on here asking when the update is coming and getting jumped on for doing so...well they have right to ask.
They also have the right to use the search bar and check the patreon. That's the fastest way of finding out rather than on here.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 26, 2019
View attachment 736275
It me
This is just a post to update you guys on what my past two weeks has looked like and how I'm doing and when you can expect Day 7 final.

First I'd like to apologize for my absolute silence. I'm sure some of you were worried about me but I'm okay. I don't want to go too into everything as it still very much hurts to talk about but I'll say what I can.
Secondly I'd like to apologize for saying "update out in a few days in my last post". Things didn't go as planned and I should've updated you guys sooner.

I was not okay when I posted my last post. I was completely shocked and it hadn't really hit me yet despite some time already passing. It didn't really actually start to sink in until late that same night.
It's been a constant thing with me this year. It's like I don't process things until it's late night and quiet and I can be alone with my thoughts.
But with this I couldn't stand it. Nights have been so fucking hard. I tried to drown myself in work or streams or anything but it wasn't working and my girlfriend convinced me to stay with her for a bit.

So that's what the first 4 days were like. My girlfriend took some time off from her job to help me through this. (I'm gonna have to marry this girl lol) So I was staying at her place and she was helping me express shit.

During those 4 days I thought about a lot. I opened up about a lot and I realized a lot.
This has been a very humbling year. I didn't realize how much I could be crushed and how quickly it could happen.
I've realized I have some personal issues that have popped up as a result of things. Shit like abandonment issues. A bunch of shit like that.
But another thing I realized is I truly wasn't happy with how some scenes were turning out with the ending of day 7. I had convinced myself I liked them but that's mainly because I almost always hate everything I make for a short time after I make it. It's just how I am. But when I really started to vent I realized a lot of my anxiety was coming from a fear of disappointing.
Some of the scenes were hard to make and even harder to handle due to the hardware I had. 8GB of VRAM wasn't enough for what I was trying to do and even with all the optimization I could do things were just too hard and left sub-optimal results. And constantly optimizing and crashing was eating up so much time.
So I decided to upgrade.

The main reasoning as to why I hadn't already was I don't believe throwing money at a problem to fix it is a good thing usually. I believed the knowledge gained from knowing how to fix the problem was more valuable. But it's become pretty clear that 8GB of VRAM just isn't enough for some of these scenes. Especially if I want to do foursomes+ in the future. lol

But I decided to go all out. You guys support me to such an insane degree that I was able to.
As someone who used to play old school minecraft at 2fps this thing is still a dream to me.
3950x, 2x Titan rtx, 64GB ram.
And if you've followed me for a minute you might remember my first watercooling project didn't go very well. But this one went very smoothly. gpus never go above 45c and cpu hits around 70c

So yeah to sum it up. New computer and I'm redoing some scenes again. Day 7 final is important and I want it to be great.
Building this pc was very important to me. The time it took to research the parts and plan everything / build it all was such a great distraction for me.
He helped me pick and choose everything in my first loop. He was super into computers and the colors chosen for the loop were his favorite.

These past 11 days have been mostly spent planning and building the pc. I've also worked all of the days on my other machine.
I'm still working on myself. I won't lie, I'm still in a very bad place but things are going to be okay. I have the best girlfriend and best grandpa in the world so I'm gonna make it through this.

Part of me wanted to wait until the update was ready to post anything but I didn't want you guys to worry about me.
There isn't a set date for the release as there is admittedly a lot of work left but I promise you I'm working.
I know I've said this before but the goal is before the end of the month and if it's not out before then I'll be pausing pledges again.

Fuck, I have a lot more to say but I can feel myself getting emotional and I've tried really hard to not do so so far. Gonna wrap it up and share whatever later. It's also worth mentioning I'll start seeing a therapist soon.

-I'm going to be okay
-built new pc to render large scenes
-redoing some scenes
-update out hopefully before the end of the month

I'd also like to quickly apologize for my lack of involvement on here or discord. It's just hard to talk about still and discord is hard to look at since it was our main source of communication. But I'll be back on there soon.

I fucking love you guys. Thank you so much for the support through these bad times. I promise you I won't forget it when we're back to the good. <3
Thanks you two very very much
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Uncle Loco

Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 28, 2020
Now that we know BD is working on getting better and that the update is targeted for the end of the month, it is time to go back to trying to figure out what is going to happen on the 2 big remaining events for day 7. Based on the spoilers and thinking that they will not change much for now. It seems like the main group will accept Tali (curious on how this will be fully explained) but I am still trying to figure out what happened to Charles at the bowling event. I have some thoughts, but even now I am questioning myself.
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Mar 14, 2019
I'm so glad to see that BD is doing well! Was worrying over the worst, given the state of the world rn, so it's a huge relief to see that BD is safe
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