- Feb 17, 2019
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1. i think Azel may act withdrawn at first with Wendy's arrival but if BD's plans for Day 8 are unchanged there's a "date" with her at some point so I figure the MC will use that time to reassure her that she's not being replaced or whatever. Rachel is unlikely to be an issue either at least if you chose to have her track yer mom down earlier in the game. If you did I seem to recall rachael mentioning successfully contacting her at least once but I may be misremembering the extent of the contact. Cedey's reaction will be interesting to see more than anything...Will she resent Wendy for giving her up and be hostile?...or will she be instantly accepting like she was when the truth came out with the MC. I'm inclined to lean toward the latter because just after the truth came out they briefly talked about wendy giving her up and she didn't seem to hold an animosity toward at the time.5 Things im most interested in seeing in next update...
1. The Mom. Is she integrated straight into things without hitch? Were talking his memories being returned of the abuse she endured so not expecting MC to be distant with her but shes coming into a dynamic which could potentially hurt Azel emotionally in no longer being the 'mom' at least in name anymore and of course those closest to Rachel dont know her and perhaps will be lest trusting of her sudden appearance (though attempted murder might have got brownie points lol)
2. The MC fucking the police woman, maybe its just me but she seemed pretty defensive of the MC and i dont think its a long shot to expect scene or two of her in more saucy side of content.
3. The fallout over the fight club. Clear divisions are there now and i mean clear - that includes with the girls, the rest of the guys in the team and the faculty. They gotta be pro Ryker or pro MC and now the MC is getting the backing of one of the big three and several celebrities its gonna be interesting to see the Damien redemption arc in full flow.
4. Finding out what the fuck is going on with Stacy and her gran/mom. Weve been teased before none more than Azel and to not far behind degree with Harpers daughter but with Stacy? Im less invested in the girl herself but the mystery regarding her parentage lol.
5. More Liz.
2. Don't really give a shit about this one but I've always been a "Fuck The Police" type of guy so if the opportunity arises....
3. Doubt we have to worry about any of the school harem girls ever siding with Ryker pretty much all of them think he's an epic asshat the obvious exception being Katie. That could fall either way but for me she'd be no big loss as the only reason I was fucking her is cuz I figured it was safer than pissing her off
4. Yea I really want this put to bed either way If for no other reason than to put my friend LocoGringo78 's poor mind at ease on the matter once and for all. Also so I can remember to stock up on Kleenex and prepare my therapist couch for him if the worst should happen and she turns out to be related.
5. YES! I may be batshit for Bailey through and through but I still have a soft spot for Liz
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