Uncle Loco

Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 28, 2020
Margaret theory? I know you feel compelled to obey the inscrutable exortations of your mind, but 2 can play that game. Can't wait to post my thoughts and theories about Big Willa Style and Vanessa., wonder what you'll make of that.
My thoughts on Margaret is she is potential working for the Charity or she is a social worker and found information about the MC to share with him. I believe I posted something on that in the past, for now that is all I have to say on Margaret.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2020
New Theory: The Goddess Vee, Vanessa and Willabelle are all related. I might go so far as to say Willabelle is Mabel's mother, making her the Double Vees' aunt.

Disappointed no one picked up on the Teaser, but I guess everyone got caught up in discussing some serious shit, one really REALLY bad joke and Loco's fragile state of mind.

I didn't really notice it until today, but Willabelle shares the Heterochromatic trait with The Goddess Vee and Vanessa, right down to the exact colours. It's more noticeable before Natalie showed up, the lighting in the scenes afterwards just makes it look like she has really pale blue eyes.

I'm also thinking that with the way Rachael talked her up, Willa was kind of a mentor to Rachael, which makes me think that she is older than Rachael, which is weird because to me she looks younger. But if she's older, that would mean she's in the right age bracket to be Mabel's mom.

She's also really familiar with Nathan in their short interaction, yet the dialogue leaves plenty of room for interpretation. And before you say, "Nathan adressed her as Ma'am", so? My dad often responds to my mom like that when she tells him to do the dishes/take out the trash/cut the vegetables. "Yes, Ma'am...". I'm saying that she might be deliberately ambiguous about how she knows Nathan, Veronica and Vanessa.

What's also telling is that she mentions "His aunt works for me." meaning The Goddess Vee and not her sister Vanessa.

It makes me think that Veronica was Willa's agent at WVM and she got burned out dealing with too much of Charles' shit.

But if that's the case, it almost shoots my theory that Vanessa is one of the Rainbow Girls out of the water. I really thought I was onto something, since Vanessa's unusual hair colour suggests she is part of, if not The Rainbow, at least A Rainbow. Especially since all the other Rainbow Girls seem to all have careers as Social Media influencers, which is a sharp contrast to working as a waitress (and rather unprofessionally chugging a glass of wine. And before you point out, "Could have been grape juice..." MC had inner dialogue about it. Would you notice or think about it if it had been a non-alcoholic beverage. Maybe "Wow, she must have been really thirsty." But no, he specifically used the term chugging and he wasn't making any references to a choo-choo. The correct number of chuggas before a choo-choo is 4 btw)

But almost isn't completely so she could still be.

My theory is still that Vanessa is Pink, going by the colour-coded theme of the Rainbow Girls. She just doesn't get preferential treatment from Auntie Willa, which is why she's still also working her shifts as a waitress (and by the way, there's nothing wrong with that. It's not beneath her. In fact, if only every one had some job experience in a customer service position the world would be, well not a better place, but a more understanding one).

And Vanessa stated her waitressing job is only one of her jobs to make ends meet. Which makes me think her other job is as a Social Media presence just like the other Rainbow Girls. It's just that hers wasn't disclosed because she wasn't present at the time (although it was suggested she was).

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(My other theory is that Aubrey is the Redhead with the sleeve tattoo and the heart tattoo below her eye)

Makes you wonder where Vanessa was during the Bowling Room Blitz and how much she witnessed.

But taking the theme of "Rainbow Girls are Social Media Influencers" to the extreme and in line with Braindrop 's tendency to withold information until it's time for the Wham Episode.

What if Pink's role as an Influencer is through her "OnlyFans" page. And she's secretly been Belle Delphine all along? :eek:

And before you say "But Willa introduced the Rainbow Girls and concluded with And this completes our Rainbow" or words to that effect. Well sure. But if my niece was secretly Belle Delphine I wouldn't admit to it either.

It also makes me think that the secret Triumvirate in charge of WVM consists of Willa, The Goddess Vee and one other person. Didn't Willa say something along the lines of MC knowing/meeting at least one other member already?

My other suspect was Eden, why would the highest paid actress on the planet attend a College charity event, especially if/when you declined taking her on as a client (as I did), unless she's there in more than her capacity as a celebrity guest.

Food for thought, Eh?

You're welcome.
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The Krypt Angel

Engaged Member
Feb 17, 2019
New Theory: The Goddess Vee, Vanessa and Willabelle are all related. I might go so far as to say Willabelle is Mabel's mother, making her the Double Vees' aunt.

Disappointed no one picked up on the Teaser, but I guess everyone got caught up in discussing some serious shit, one really REALLY bad joke and Loco's fragile state of mind.

I didn't really notice it until today, but Willabelle shares the Heterochromatic trait with The Goddess Vee and Vanessa, right down to the exact colours. It's more noticeable before Natalie showed up, the lighting in the scenes afterwards just makes it look like she has really pale blue eyes.

I'm also thinking that with the way Rachael talked her up, Willa was kind of a mentor to Rachael, which makes me think that she is older than Rachael, which is weird because to me she looks younger. But if she's older, that would mean she's in the right age bracket to be Mabel's mom.

She's also really familiar with Nathan in their short interaction, yet the dialogue leaves plenty of room for interpretation. And before you say, "Nathan adressed her as Ma'am", so? My dad often responds to my mom like that when she tells him to do the dishes/take out the trash/cut the vegetables. "Yes, Ma'am...". I'm saying that she might be deliberately ambiguous about how she knows Nathan, Veronica and Vanessa.

What's also telling is that she mentions "His aunt works for me." meaning The Goddess Vee and not her sister Vanessa.

It makes me think that Veronica was Willa's agent at WVM and she got burned out dealing with too much of Charles' shit.

But if that's the case, it almost shoots my theory that Vanessa is one of the Rainbow Girls out of the water. I really thought I was onto something, since Vanessa's unusual hair colour suggests she is part of, if not The Rainbow, at least A Rainbow. Especially since all the other Rainbow Girls seem to all have careers as Social Media influencers, which is a sharp contrast to working as a waitress (and rather unprofessionally chugging a glass of wine. And before you point out, "Could have been grape juice..." MC had inner dialogue about it. Would you notice or think about it if it had been a non-alcoholic beverage. Maybe "Wow, she must have been really thirsty." But no, he specifically used the term chugging and he wasn't making any references to a choo-choo. The correct number of chuggas before a choo-choo is 4 btw)

But almost isn't completely so she could still be.

My theory is still that Vanessa is Pink, going by the colour-coded theme of the Rainbow Girls. She just doesn't get preferential treatment from Auntie Willa, which is why she's still also working her shifts as a waitress (and by the way, there's nothing wrong with that. It's not beneath her. In fact, if only every one had some job experience in a customer service position the world would be, well not a better place, but a more understanding one).

And Vanessa stated her waitressing job is only one of her jobs to make ends meet. Which makes me think her other job is as a Social Media presence just like the other Rainbow Girls. It's just that hers wasn't disclosed because she wasn't present at the time (although it was suggested she was).

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(My other theory is that Aubrey is the Redhead with the sleeve tattoo and the heart tattoo below her eye)

Makes you wonder where Vanessa was during the Bowling Room Blitz and how much she witnessed.

But taking the theme of "Rainbow Girls are Social Media Influencers" to the extreme and in line with Braindrop 's tendency to withold information until it's time for the Wham Episode.

What if Pink's role as an Influencer is through her "OnlyFans" page. And she's secretly been Belle Delphine all along? :eek:

And before you say "But Willa introduced the Rainbow Girls and concluded with And this completes our Rainbow" or words to that effect. Well sure. But if my niece was secretly Belle Delphine I wouldn't admit to it either.

It also makes me think that the secret Triumvirate in charge of WVM consists of Willa, The Goddess Vee and one other person. Didn't Willa say something along the lines of MC knowing/meeting at least one other member already?

My other suspect was Eden, why would the highest paid actress on the planet attend a College charity event, especially when you declined taking her on as a client, unless she's there in more than her capacity as a celebrity guest.

Food for thought, Eh?

You're welcome.
uh not sure where yer getting Belle having heterochromia from I literally looked at every shot of her in the game and I'm not seeing it at all


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2020
Like I said I don't see it both eyes are the same color to me.....Ice Green.
I dunno, what with so much focus on eyes in this update and BD dropping hints about how the detail of his rendering has improved. You sure about that?

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(This one has the clearest lighting)

Edit: And don't feel bad, I didn't even notice Vanessa had Heterochromia as well until my latest playthrough, so it's easy to miss.
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