Just a random observation, but has anyone paid attention to MC's nutritional intake? Not counting Meals On Legs (aka cunnilingus) and the ocassional knuckle sandwich, both of which are pretty low on nutritional value, I can only recall off the top of my head:
-Breakfast for dinner with Azel
-Pizza at Harp's place
-A burger from the diner Penny works at
-Chicken or a salad or Por que no los dos? at House 2: The Second Story
-The Chef's Special during the Shauna date
Did I miss any meals, or even mentions of food? Not a critisism, this isn't Lord Of The Rings where every meal gets its own three pages. I just thought it was funny that between the sex and the sport (mostly sex though) MC seems to burn a LOT of calories and doesn't seem the need to replenish that often.