Until someone proves to me that Damien does not have a parent in the hospital that is being paid for by Ryker or someone Ryker works with/for I understand why Damien was there. I can't put a stranger/someone I just met/teammate over family. I know you all think he should have done more, but if you have to choose between saving a family member or teammate I am sorry family wins every time. Now if we find out that the family thing is a lie well than fuck Damien, but until that is shown to me he has a chance to redeem himself somehow. I have to play the role of neutral here since I need more information to make a proper judgement on Damien. I support that fact the Damien is being kicked off the team as well as being kicked out of the school, but leaving him open to a path of redemption could help down the road. We have no idea as to what Damien knows about Ryker's plans, just because Ryker is in jail does not mean his plans can not move forward.
I know you are all ready to give up on him, but keep an open mind. We don't know his side of the story completely yet. Hell him and Gorg could be playing double agents as well. Just a reminder all we know that Damien did was spy on the MC, give that information to Ryker. Yes he showed up to the bowling event with Ryker but we did not see him attack anyone, we saw him carry away the injured person and bring him inside. Then we know he tried to stop anyone from going outside. We do not know exactly what that meant and what other actions he took. Yes he aligned with the side of evil, but a lot of good people make mistakes and can be forgiven later. It is now just a wait and see game.