
Feb 4, 2019
I was reading the FAQ and now I'm sad. It sucks that Azel,Wendy and Willow will not have lewd scenes with the mc because of patreon.

Edit: Kind of weird having Willow showing that she has feelings towards the mc, she even was about to tell him that she is still a virgin, and then you can't romance her. You can't tease me like that.
due to the release date and everything, that sister info should be tagged as spoiler imo, just saying :)


Oct 14, 2019
wish you and your girlfriend a speedy recovery Focus on getting better, and beat covid-19's ass worse than MC beat Ryker's b!tch ass. your grandfather, girlfriend and your health is more important than the planned release day for the update take all the time to recover and relax , don't strain yourself Get better BD!, thanks for letting us all know.


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2018

Gonna start with "easy to digest need to know" information then talk about a few other things.
This'll be a pretty long post where I drop my brain on you guys a bit.
- My grandpa's first Covid-19 test came back negative

- Day 8 part 2 will release this month on the 31st
- My girlfriend and I both tested positive for Covid, we both have mild symptoms and we're both totally fine.
- Development time took a pretty big hit through all of this. From planning out our weekend to finding out and dealing with all of the covid stuff and all of my own personal faults there hasn't been a lot of time to get substantial work done.

There's a lot going on over here but I don't want to get into my personal life too much or how exactly we're handling everything. Just know that we're all okay and we're doing everything we can to keep everyone safe.

Note: I made the Day 8 part 1 post accessible by Tier-2 patrons.

Rambling about development and my faults:

Not my best body of work these past few weeks if I'm being honest. My head has been a ton of places and I haven't been able to fully concentrate on WVM. I definitely could have done a better job and I do sincerely apologize for that.
I promised myself after Day 7 that I would ease myself back into things and I did... it's just that I worked harder in different fields of my life so I still overdid it a bit. I'm still trying to find a good Work/Life/Rest balance.
You guys are always so amazing and supportive of me taking care of my personal life but I definitely let the balance slip too far over that way this month.
I could say a million different excuses that would justify myself but the simple fact is that I could have done more without it being detrimental to myself and I slacked a bit.
I don't want you guys to think I'm being too hard on myself I'm just trying to be honest with myself and all of you.

Rambling about what to expect in Day 8 part 2:

It's definitely not as long as I'd like it to be, but I'm still working on it. I do have a pretty nasty headache and I feel very fatigued so I'm not sure exactly how much I'll be able to get done. A solid expectation is it'll be around the 200 render range, hopefully more.
It'll be whatever I manage to get done by the 31st so it may end in a strange place.
Since I do not currently plan on pausing this month I'd feel like an omega jackass if I didn't get this out.

Rambling about "A day in the life of Harper and Natalie" and the future of "A day in the life" render sets:

So, I've come to the realization while making this render set that I want to do a ton of these "a day in the life" render sets. And it'd be nice if there was one convenient place to view them. It would also help a ton if I could add dialogue to these sets as it'd save a ton of work.
So what my current plan is, is to have a separate "game" that includes all of the sets and make it to where you can choose whichever one you want to view from the main menu.
They do follow a timeline of their own. The Emiko set was for around Day 10-11. This Harper/Nat set is for not long after that. So I'd want the menu to reflect the timeline.
Keep in mind this all still needs to be made and I suck at UI. So I'll likely work with someone to make it, so it's more of a future thing.
In the meantime I'll be releasing the Harp/Nat set as its own thing.

Future "A day in the life" sets will likely be voted on. As least the majority of them.

In the "Week 1" version of the game that will be out hopefully soon I plan to add a gallery where you can replay scenes and I plan to add the character sheet. I may also add these to the base game and have them be playable from the menu but I'm not sure it's worth the increase in file size. I might make it a thing solely for "final" releases and not the "beta" versions. Let me know what you guys think

Rambling about Halloween renders:
Yes there will still be a few of these.
I plan to include them at the end of Day 8 part 2 first then release them on here.

And yes I'm still taking suggestions please feel free to either comment or message me them.

Please don't worry about us:

We may have tested positive but we're both young, healthy, and in shape. My grandpa tested negative and we're going to have him tested again to make sure but he's feeling fine as well.

Please stay safe:
We caught it despite having all of our gatherings outside and everyone wearing masks.
It only takes a second to slip and catch it.
Thank you guys for reading this:
It means a lot
I'll do better, I got too caught up in my social life this month. After months of being in a slump and everything covid, it was really nice to catch up with everyone. But I have to find a better balance and I promise I will.

Thank you,
Love you guys <3
Hoping for a speedy recovery for both you and your girlfriend Braindrop. Make sure you take care of yourself and don’t put the game above your health


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 26, 2019
Just my final 2 cents on Azel and the other characters that aren't supposed to have lewd scenes with the mc, I think if in fact those characters aren't supposed to have that kind of relationship with the MC, the game probably shouldn't tease it otherwise that much. What I mean by that is, it the case of Azel for example during the kissing scenes it is heavily implied, that she wants more than just the regular mother and son relationship. If you're playing for the first time, it leads you to believe that the characters will have that kind of relationship, when the dev doesn't any plans for it to happen. I understant why he can't make those things happen, it's not his fault. But as a player it sucks a little bit when you realize that all the teasing won't lead to anything more. Still a great game, and I enjoyed it a lot.
Welcome to the 3 stages of healthy WVM playing.
1st stage: desire
2nd stage: denail
3rd stage: acceptance

Non-healthy as you will see from time from time are the ones that come and argue and throw a fit because certain family member are off limits.

I've come to adore the interactions of azel and mc as just hyped up affectionate pure innocent love. ;)
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 26, 2019
I mean the only thing we can do is accept it, it not like complaining here would change anything, the rules will still be the same on patreon. It just sucks when for example Willow starts to show that she is starting to get romantically interested in the mc, and all of a sudden the game is like, just kidding she is your sister so you won't ever do anything with her.
Yeah that one hurt me. I love the bitchy type. And when it got taken off the buffet line I was whoa wait a minute. But then I remember how much of a buffet is left and chose to relish it.

The Krypt Angel

Engaged Member
Feb 17, 2019
I was reading the FAQ and now I'm sad. It sucks that Azel, Wendy and Willow will not have lewd scenes with the mc because of patreon.

Edit: Kind of weird having Willow showing that she has feelings towards the mc, she even was about to tell him that she is still a virgin, and then you can't romance her. You can't tease me like that.


Engaged Member
Aug 21, 2018
Honestly the lack of drama is quite refreshing to me, I don't like waiting for someone to NTR me or X girl leaves if you are nice to Y.. This game you can just play and not have to worry about all that BS, MC is a good dude with a awesome family/support unit. I also like the heartwarming scenes in this VN, not many others like it. Ninja masks might be explained or, easier to hide the faces (not wanting to make so many custom dudes). Anyways just my 2 cents, I guess everyone's take differs.
I dont need NTR or stuff like that, but you can create drama with more grounded stuff. Here it just escalates - especially because the game is very calm in the rest of the time.
And as I said - I still play it and it is relaxing as you said, but for me it drifts to boring from time to time ^^

Personally I didn't find the game boring at any point but we all have different tastes. The girls throwing themselves at the mc is not that surprising to me, he is a famous guy, it's normal for them to show interest and he is also a genuinely good guy. Also it's a porn game so things will always move way faster than they would irl. I will agree that the whole Ryker stuff is kind of weird. Every time he shows up, things go from 0 to 100 really fast. I don't mind having drama in these games it can make them more interesting. But the Ryker stuff seems kind of out of place.
Oh - I get it that they all want some MC cake. Thats not the point. I dont like the extreme harem stuff. They are all fine with it and even support the MC acitively in collecting more girls for the harem. And that is where you can have some "RL drama" - or better. Some tension. I like both styles - harem or where you cant have all the girls. But I want to have (at least) the illusion that I "earned" the girls. Maybe because I like some cheating in my games (dont mind NTR, but prefer netori or just that the MC is cheating) and when all agree to share, that is what makes it boring for me.

As you said, we all have different tastes :)


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2018
Maybe just change all the relations from mother to landlady and sister to roommate or best friend etc. like other games do, yeah if you play the game then it sounds stupid like yeah im looking for my real landlady and stuff like that but we all know who the persons are and their relations to each other... this would be one way to outmove the patreon rules... but i dont think BD would be up for it
  • Haha
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Jul 1, 2018
Maybe just change all the relations from mother to landlady and sister to roommate or best friend etc. like other games do, yeah if you play the game then it sounds stupid like yeah im looking for my real landlady and stuff like that but we all know who the persons are and their relations to each other... this would be one way to outmove the patreon rules... but i dont think BD would be up for it
Hmmm. I see a lot of the regulars are avoiding the thread today I wonder why that is? Oh right it must be that ugly complaint about that topic that we all need to wait patiently for an evil modder to come in and fix.
Ofcourse, every Game needs Incest and every Character in every Game that you can't fuck needs to be Ugl.y:rolleyes::cautious:
It can't be thata Marvelous Game like WVM, which Developer don't want Incest in his Game, has no Incest.
And if it would have it, i would add a Halfmillion Facepalm smileys.___.
  • Angry
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 26, 2019
Hmmm. I see a lot of the regulars are avoiding the thread today I wonder why that is? Oh right it must be that ugly complaint about that topic that we all need to wait patiently for an evil modder to come in and fix.
With new players i don't mind the "talk". It's just when the trolls chip in that my eye starts to twitch. We all go through the stages playing this vn, thankfully most the healthy way.

The Krypt Angel

Engaged Member
Feb 17, 2019
Hmmm. I see a lot of the regulars are avoiding the thread today I wonder why that is? Oh right it must be that ugly complaint about that topic that we all need to wait patiently for an evil modder to come in and fix.
I've ben lurking but you know me and how well I react to said topic so rather than snap at someone I just kept my mouth shut :D


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 22, 2017
Hmmm. I see a lot of the regulars are avoiding the thread today I wonder why that is? Oh right it must be that ugly complaint about that topic that we all need to wait patiently for an evil modder to come in and fix.
Sorry if I ruined the thread, I'll stfu. I just finished the game yesterday and was sharing my thoughts. Didn't want to ruin the vibe.
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