My thought original thought was Liz took them to the Rachael's office first and saw that no one was there and then went to the old house thinking maybe they went back there thinking maybe that is where everyone went. However, I forgot that Kimmy and Jasmine are friends. Jasmine needed a place to go since she lived with Damien, and after the bowling alley she needed a friend to turn to. She reached out and of course Kimmy said yes and the rest of the girls went with her so they could all be together. The other possibility is that Belle told the girls to all stay together and go to Kimmy's since that is a school owned home (maybe?). She would want them to stay away from the press and my guess is Rachael was not ready to send even more panicked girls to her house with Tali, while they worked on getting the MC out of jail.
Now the issue I have with everyone going to Kimmy's house is that poor Emiko is alone, and probably worried about what is going on after skipping the event. Since she lives with Zoe she has no other outlet, hopefully she goes to Kimmy's house too.