My final (for now) observation on the Damien conundrum.
But first, a short story:
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are sleeping on the moors one evening, staring up at the stars overhead.
Holmes waves his hand towards them and asks Watson what the starry expanse tells him.
Watson thinks for a moment and replies that the stars are infinite. In fact some of them aren't even stars, but galaxies with millions of stars of their own. That the universe is infinitely vast and that mankind is utterly insignificant in comparison.
He then asks Holmes what the sky tells him.
Sherlock thinks for a second, and then replies: It tells me that someone stole our tent.
I'm equal parts amazed and amused that BD has managed to give us a story in which various bits of information have been provided to us. Only the tiniest bit of this do we see with our own (player viewing the screen) eyes. Most is 2nd hand, and that given to us by characters whose very trustworthiness is as in doubt as the information they're providing.
And yet we all take that same list of questionable facts, simmer them in a pot with our individual experiences and viewpoints, and arrive at vastly differing conclusions. All of which we feel strongly enough about to debate over the course of dozens of pages of this thread.
In comparison, the question of who's the hottest girl (<ahem>Stacy</ahem>) comes in only in 2nd place.