I still think that perhaps names have more meaning than we know. For example, Saint Margaret is the patron saint of expectant mothers. Zoe is a Hellenistic translation of Eve, who lead Adam into sin. Veronica is the Latin alteration of Berenice, the woman (later sanctified) who wiped down Jesus' face.
Stacy could refer to Anastasia. Perhaps Saint Anastasia, who was a healer and an excorcist, so maybe BD is setting her up as the one who purges MC's inner demons. OR there's another Anastasia who was rather famous for having a tragedy in her family, before wandering around as an amnesiac, before returning to claim her birth-right (spoiler, it didn't end well).
I'd run the rest of the cast names through the name-grinder, but I'm kinda worn from binge-watching "Barbarians" on Netflix (8/10 would recommend).