That's all fine and dandy but don't you think you could have said this to him to begin with rather than "Bro, just stop."?I wasn't being a dick. If he took it that way, then that's on me and I apologize.
I love Loco and I love participating in his discussions. I don't want him to stop, like ever. I just felt that that particular theory, "Ryker was just hazing MC, and it got out of hand" was a little too much, even for someone as fond of conspiracy theories as Loco. It felt so wrong to me, so out of place in the context of the game, that I didn't even want to discuss it, hence why I told Loco to stop. And not with malicious intent either. It's just the thought of Ryker doing something with good intentions "gone bad" sickened me. The guy is an unredeemable asshole, that's his sole purpose. I'm willing to be on the fence about Damien (for now) but I'm not going to extend that credit to Ryker. He's scum.
Not using it as an excuse, but my response to anyone trying to defend Ryker would have been the same. Just stop. Loco just happened to be on the receiving end of it.
To be clear: To stop pursuing that particular line of enquiry because no good could possibly come from that.
I never wanted him to stop posting altogether. But if it brings back Loco, I'm willing to stop posting here. Y'all need your crazy uncle Loco more than the resident asshole.
LocoGringo78 I never meant to offend you, but if I did my humblest apologies. Please come back. Fluffy misses you.
Or just not engaged in that specific discussion?
He clearly put effort into thinking that up and typing it out and even admitted it was crazy and more of a "what if?" post rather than an actual theory. So in my opinion it was a dick move to dismiss him completely and tell him to stop.
And for the record I'm not saying anyone has to leave or anything like that, I just don't want someone that has shown me so much support and has always been a homie to me to be shamed over something completely unnecessary.
And as an aside I would have been saying the same thing to Loco if the roles were reversed as you're also someone that I like seeing posts from.
Loco enjoys discussing the game even on the crazier side of things, which can lead to interesting conversations and these conversations also tend to lead to people saying shit like "Loco and his crazy theories again" but they're obviously joking around and I don't think Loco cares at all about those. But a rather blunt "Just stop" where others are agreeing and liking those posts can easily be seen as a stance against him whether it was intended to be or not.
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