Yeah the interuptions plus the beatdown and the amount of sex drained and made the mc lose his edge and fitness is down caus of it
Curious how that will impact the whole upcoming game
Plus the mc even said most of the team barely knows the game book yet and the synergy was not quite there either with that fence play
Wont be surprised if they will have a rocky start in the opener
But who knows its still a few ingame days away and anything can happen in those days
So wont be surprised if we will at least get some what ready for it
Anyways im still happy to see some basketball related stuff maybe alternate the basketball and harem stuff
Or like 50 /50 harem and basketball
We need to at least get some what ready for it otherwise we will lose all those girls and attention caus we losing every game if this keeps up
And like Ethan said we need to focuss on basketball to be able to support all those cute ladies of his