Based on the information we have Hannah seems like the person who uses other to her advantage. She has forced her way into several projects with Eden, and now they can't seem to be separated. To me it seems like Eden doesn't want to have Hannah keep riding on her coattails. Also the comment from Rachael is really something that has stuck with me. I keep feeling that some how BD is going to throw that one at us and it is going to explode in our face so yes I am nervous when someone comes in like Hannah.
Yes, I am willing to listen to Damien and give him a chance, I felt he was used by Ryker and was put into a bad place due to need for money to support a family members health. As someone who has a medical condition I understand how you might do something you regret later to help get better. I am not saying I can forgive what he did out right, but there is more to that story. The same could be with Hannah, but for now I am sticking to my guns and staying away from that crazy in my playthrough. Yes I will deviate for the game guide, but not in my play through, that is saved for those I truly want the MC to be with and trust. So for now Hannah joins the ranks of Jasmine, Katie, and Tia as out.
There are others in this boat as well but due to lack of viable information I can not add them to the list for sure so they stay in the maybe pile for now, those are Belle, Aubrey, and the rainbow squad. Trust is something that needs to be earned and not given freely, you trust the wrong person and you can get burned. We don't know enough about that group to say they are doing good things or not. Sure Belle and Rachael got the MC, his family and the team out of trouble, but who really is the mastermind behind the whole Ryker thing? Did Belle know, did she set everyone up and it got out of control only to try to prove to the MC that she is there to help him? Only time will tell.