One thing I have a hard time understanding is why people have such a hard time realizing that all these VN's on here that doesn't have the "completed" tag is still in development. That means that things can and will change during the time of development.
I haven't been here since the start of this game so I don't know what BD said in the beginning but whatever he said then doesn't matter. If he thinks changes are needed during development of course he should change things. I that means removing incest or adding more LI's after day 7 so be it. It's his game and he writes it how he sees fit.
Sure, some people won't like and/or agree with some changes but that is irrelevant. Again, his story, his choices. In the end everyone trying it will have to decide if it's for them or not even if that means stop playing it halfway through because you don't agree with something the dev does.
However (and this is not directed at anyone particular, just a general statement), complaining about it in the childlike manner some people do is really ridiculous. If you have constructive criticism then by all means share it, most Dev's wants that!
BD is making an amazing VN here (and apparently many people agree with me
), a story that isn't to convoluted but a little drama here and there and some amazing LI's for all tastes. It's mostly a "feel good" game and one of the best at that, a game I'm gonna return to for a long time to come.
In the end it's very simple, if you like the game, stay and join the conversation and maybe support the Dev and if you don't like it, move on to another game more to your liking, there is something for everyone after all