I'm not a sock puppet troll. I am just a guy who occasionally needed a link to anime tiddies and regrets that he didn't have a good Hatoful Boyfriend joke for this auspicious occasion.
In all seriousness, I do find the idea of a commitment to duckface to be pretty weird though, mostly because cases this extreme are an expression/pose in real life rather than exclusively a trait. It throws me off in a way that comical beach ball tits do not because it blurs the line between facial features and body language. In the context of flirting with the MC it's usually less off-putting to me but it'd be super weird if the plot gets serious but there's never a wider palette of expressions on display.
In all seriousness, I do find the idea of a commitment to duckface to be pretty weird though, mostly because cases this extreme are an expression/pose in real life rather than exclusively a trait. It throws me off in a way that comical beach ball tits do not because it blurs the line between facial features and body language. In the context of flirting with the MC it's usually less off-putting to me but it'd be super weird if the plot gets serious but there's never a wider palette of expressions on display.
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