I said a couple years ago (my last post in this thread), and this is probably controversial, but I think this game blowing up the way it did actually hurt BD overall. Sure, it made/makes him a lot of money. But going from a nobody to one of the most popular game developers seemingly overnight puts a huge pressure on someone. Pressure he is now feeling in the midst of a series of personal tragedies.
He didn't have a slower buildup like almost every other developer, including pro's like Pinkcake and Philly had. A lot of people get into making games to make $$$, but having a slower buildup is actually very beneficial. You learn and improve, under lesser pressure, and when/if you do get big, you're prepared for it.
But with BD? Nope. He was a modest dev for a while, when he was doing weekly or bi-weekly releases. Then people subbed. A lot. This thread blowup. Tons of supporters...along with some haters. Some, like myself, who became dissatisfied with the game just quietly left and didn't even get noticed. But along the way, this game became one of the most polarizing on the site. You either love it, or you hate it. This just adds to BD's mental health issues. Figuratively speaking, he was tossed into the fire.
And then you have IRL issues causing even more problems/pressure. So, combine pressure/expectations of thousands of fanboys. And some haters/controversy. And a series of unfortunate IRL issues. Yeah, it gets difficult to say the least. The issues he is dealing with today have been building up for literally most of this games history.
Hopefully he doesn't go down the perfectionist rabbit hole, that pretty much spells doom for this game. As it has for many others. But I also think this is the pressure of expectation manifesting itself. He is experiencing IRL issues -> Update delay -> Fans get antsy -> BD wants to keep his fans happy -> Try's to make the update the best possible -> Self-doubt/Perfectionism creeps in -> More delay -> Fans get antsy....
Not a good cycle to be in.