
Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
At this point I think the only I would support BD is if he finished the game???? Or he decided to put it up on Steam and I would get to play a big chunk of it like a season or something.


Active Member
May 3, 2017
I think your sums are a bit off. at $7 for 321. That's 21k a month and 144 a year.
IRS: how are you making this money??
BD: i make porn games..
IRS: oh so you make porn??
BD: well not real porn but i guess you can say its porn??
IRS: so how many actors, producers, assistants, camera operators you have??
BD: oh no i do everything myself..
IRS: show us your dick..
BD: wait what??
IRS: we want to see that dick, thats making all that money!!!
BD: i.. i don't feel safe, can i talk to my lawyer??
IRS: not until you pull you pants down and show us that dick!!


Nov 21, 2021
We get an update months and months later and what is it?
Continuation of story? NO!
A new event? NO!
Some hot and steamy renders?NO!
It's a censored version of events that happened from the perspective of one of the 100 girls that even isnt a part of the harem or even intimate with the MC.
What nonsense is this? Just tag the game abandoned and be done with it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2021
So what is the exact wording that she has? There is a big difference between "I wish you had never been born" and "Every now and then I wonder what if you had never been born." Neither sentence is necessarily "nice," but who hasn't wondered from time to time where they would be if one thing were different or had never happened. Especially when one is obviously struggling so much with mental issues and wondering how good one really is at their job and the whole hellmouth that would open up if they lost their job.

Also, we don't know anything about the time, if there was such a time, when she was together with Natalie's father. Hypotetic scenario: Harper and Natalie's father were a high school couple, at some point she got pregnant, presumably after that, and for the first while it worked. But at some point either when she was heavily pregnant or Natalie was very young the father may have run off with a younger woman. Such a scenario would make the sentence I think, even if she doesn't hate her daughter, which we know quite well is not the case. She loves her daughter more than anything. And then again there are sentences that are never justified. When one's child because the parents of the first child's boyfriend are there and one calls the second child an accident in "jest".

And as I wrote before, Harp shows often enough that there is definitely more going on in her head than she admits to the MC or her daughter. For example, at the bowling event where Harp is so deep in her thoughts for a few moments that she doesn't respond to the MC. I have my doubts that this is just related to the game. It definitely has an impact too, but it won't be the only issue.


New Member
Dec 13, 2021
She didn't say it in a mean and hateful way though, she was just imagining what her life had been like if she'd gone a different way.

She won't be the only parent, or person in general, to wonder what life had been like if they had taken different choices.
That's true, but you wonder about it. You may think about it, but you don't say it directly to your own child. Like what the actual fuck?

There are so many ways to make it work if you wanted to create a scene in which Natalie learns about it. In my opinion, it was just badly written.

It feels even stranger because Natalie reaction it's on the level of saying something similar to a partner or a friend.

" Oh, I was just thinking about how different my life could have been without you "
" You are stuck with me now haha "

This does feel more like a joke said between friends than anything else. You can add all the " Your mother is a failure " or " I wouldn't change anything " stuff, but it still doesn't make sense as an interaction. Hell, right after that you just start talking about boys? Hello? What the actual fuck is this?


Nov 9, 2017
My issue of it is that for whatever reason, Harper is having a mental breakdown or midlife crisis. I think it correlates with what BrainDrop is going through at the moment. I believe it's drama that doesn't need to be there.

Whether she felt that way, it felt out of character for her to blurt out that I was just thinking about never having you. Natalie response is so accepting, and I call BS on that. I am surprise Natalie didn't storm out with that comment. So, it does come off as being unrealistic to me.
Kmowing how close Nat and Harper are...and how much Nat looks out for her mom (almost like Nat is the mom sometimes) makes sense that Nat would be accepting, nurturing, and understanding, especially in such an emotionally charged moment between the two.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2019
It's the poor writing. I think whatever Braindrop is going through, it's leaking into his writing. So he need to reevaluate his life and take a break.

I said in a previous post, he needs to take up guitar lessons or go on camping trip with his family or something . Because his head isn't right. Him doing these episodes is not good at all. Because the writing is somewhat terrible.

He is wasting time and resources when he could be working on the main game. But first he needs to back away from it. Maybe take a month or 3 to clear his head. Get some help. Spend some time with his family.

Maybe he should get a job and do this part time. Whatever he thinks he's doing, it's not working.
I Used to LOVE this Game. I would Look forward to Every New release.
Then, Disaster struck in 2/2020 or 21; when BD's Beloved Aunt passed away; which BD claimed that Azel's character was based from his Aunt...From there a downward spiral.

I'm Not Sure If This would REALLY help or not; maybe BD Should STOP the ruining (taking in Bad direction) current WVM.
- Maybe Consider doing a REMASTERED Version, from Scratch; where He Re-renders Azel from the Beginning.
Or Maybe, just Write-out Azel's character, Period. (excuse: She (Azel) cannot be, and does not want to be apart of MC's harem.),or (with Wendy re-entering MC's life; Azel does not want to 'be in the way' of their relationship.
Feels that she is no longer needed.) She asks Rachael for a job and moves away.
MC & girls would be heartbroken, but life must go on.
Wendy Can be the New 'Harem Mom'.

- The Last time I played WVM was just before the "Big Party". where all the girls wore white bikinis;
most, If not all, were 'given' assigned positions. Before the Big Exposition game.
- Just before party, Jamie & Liz's Mom arrives.
Things kinda went to Hell after this.

I have Not played "Ditlo:Harper" yet. Not sure that I Want to.
- Harper Is One of my favorite Characters. Love Natalie like a sister.

A "Remastered" version 'Progress' Is Better than No Progress at all. Just saying.
-He (Braindrop) MIGHT Be able to re-invent/Help himself in the process.

I am NOT saying this to be Mean, or insensitive. I REALLY HATE What happened to him.
But He Needs to 'get off the sympathy train' and get back to work! He Needs to Finish what He started!

I think, IMO, that things with Damien* Could have been handled BETTER.(It was too harsh.)
- (handled privately between Lauren, Harper & MC) - "You MUST agree to these terms, or else you will be expelled."
- 6 mo. Academic probation.
- 2 mo suspension from team (benched) - Must attend ALL practices. may play in Expo game.
- MC's & Damien's friendship - MC's discretion.

Damien didn't REALLY do anything wrong; except violate MC's privacy, and his betrayal to Jasmine.
- Choosing to clear his conscious at the Bowling Night. To Make things Right!
- Ryker clearly crossed a line that Damien was Not ready to cross(that doesn't remove his previous sins)
* understanding that DEV just wanted Damien 'out of the way'; for a Jasmine relationship w/ MC.
Last edited:


Active Member
Sep 3, 2020

Sup guys.
I just felt like typing some shit out. I know I said the next thoughts post would be on the 2nd but I'm feeling a certain type of way and I just know what I have to do even if you guys won't like it.

It's no secret that shit has been fucked for a while.
It all starts and stops with me, and I've been on quite the self destructive journey lately.
Things kept clashing together in the worst ways at the worst times and I let myself slowly fall into this mental block.
I can't describe the mental side of this shit. All I can say is that putting the actual update out is simultaneously something that I know has to be done and I want to do, and is also something that I dread having to do.
The pressure, the expectations, the finality of it all.
It's all self imposed issues. I know that, I'm not trying to deny it.

It's almost been a year since the last actual update. A fucking year.
There's so much work done but none of it has been shown and it's the most frustrating thing. I hate this, I hate feeling incapable.
The obvious question is "What's stopping you from releasing it?"
And I don't have a good answer. Anytime I sit down and package it and think about calling it done, I get this deep guttural feeling of dread. I'm so fucking mentally blocked up and I don't know why.
I fucking wish I did.
It's not something I think about once and then put off for a month. It is all day every single day.
But I've been doing everything I can to get away from it. To try and put it off but it's impossible.
My wife mentioned to me about how she thinks I'm worried to call it quits on it because then everything that has happened this year is over. It means I'm over it and it shouldn't.
There's so fucking much that I haven't told you guys about shit that has happened because I hate sounding like a fucking excuse robot. There's been so many times where I've typed out these long rant posts just to ctrl+w at the end. (Don't try that command unless you're tired of reading this btw)
Working on WVM has always been an escape for me... and something about stopping the work that I was doing when all of these things happened feels like I'm closing away that part of my life... I think.
Does it really make sense? No, but it just... it is what it is I don't know what else to say.
I've been stuck and I want out. I need out.
And that brings me to this next part.

I made the DITLO with Harper and I had a fucking blast making it. It was fun to write... hell it was even fun to edit the images (Which is usually the biggest bore for me).
And... it was even fun to release.
Sure, it may not be what you guys really wanted right now. Sure, it may suck that she was censored in it. I get it, but that's not what really matters.
It was the first time in nearly a year that I felt good about releasing something.
Like really good, I feel great right now which is insane.

There's many reasons for that but the important bit for this is that it made me realize what I need to do.
I've asked about it before and you guys overwhelmingly said to hold off and release the update in full all at once.
And I do agree that that way would be the best for the game and the best overall experience... but I can't. Trust me, I want to... but I can't.
The simplest way I can put it is that there's too much instant finality to it. I put a piece of me into every part of this game and I think it makes it a good game but it also makes situations like these... really hard to let go of.
When it's over... life goes back to normal. And that scares the fuck out of me right now.
But it has to be over.

Part of me says that I should just rip the band aid off but I'm legitimately scared of things going poorly and me ending up in an even worst spot.
There's so much emotionally put into this update... it's fucking rough man.

I've always enjoyed small consistent releases... mostly. I get the most short term enjoyment from them but I don't feel like they're what's best for the game in a developmental aspect. And I've become incapable of the consistent part anyway.
So... instead of ripping the band aid off I'm going to slowly peel and chew at the bastard until it's gone.
I'm going to sit down and parse the update out in chunks that make sense to me and I'm going to release those chunks.
I'm going to allow myself to work on some of the scenes again... there are a few that I genuinely think I can improve rather easily and quickly. I'm not going to let myself go into perfectionist mode... and that's not what this has been about. I don't think anyway.

I can do it in chunks... I'm not going to pretend like I won't be stressed or be bogged down by that dread feeling... but I can manage it.
It has to get done.
I really tried to do it the way that most of you wanted it to be... I did.
I still want to do it that way but I simply can't I'm sorry.

I'm going to hold off on the character sheets and bday renders that were planned and focus on getting the update chunked out before releasing those.

And ultimately if you want to wait for all of it to be out then you're free to do so.
I just know that this is the only way for me to get out of this block I'm in right now.
I thought letting enough time pass would let me heal enough but the pressure of the update is really slowing that stuff down.

I do apologize for going this route after asking how you guys wanted it.
It's out of necessity though and I hope you understand.

I'll have info about update sizes and dates soon.
Thanks for caring enough to read my brain vomit.
Love you guys and talk to you soon.

(Oh and each release for this will be available to all patrons and former patrons (Through discord))
I was giving BD the benefit of the doubt, but this is all sounding like the update isn't anywhere near being done and he is just making excuses to buy himself more time. I suspect, if he actually does start releasing the update, it will be 200-300 render updates once a month. You know, like what he was releasing before this long hiatus. Time will tell.

That said, I do hope he starts releasing some main story content soon, but I won't be holding my breath.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Damien didn't REALLY do anything wrong; except violate MC's privacy, and his betrayal to Jasmine.
- Choosing to clear his conscious at the Bowling Night. To Make things Right!
- Ryker clearly crossed a line that Damien was Not ready to cross(that doesn't remove his previous sins)
* understanding that DEV just wanted Damien 'out of the way'; for a Jasmine relationship w/ MC.
It wasn't harsh enough.

People got hurt because of Damien, he should have had the shit kicked out of him.

I'm Not Sure If This would REALLY help or not; maybe BD Should STOP the ruining (taking in Bad direction) current WVM.
- Maybe Consider doing a REMASTERED Version, from Scratch;
I don't think that would help BD much but a remaster would pretty much kill the game or at least severely hurt it.

People here, me included, have a severe hatred for remasters. They halt content and very rarely improve the game, also usually lead to games being abandoned.

If a dev wants to remaster their game then do it AFTER it's complete when it doesn't piss on your playerbase.
Sep 26, 2019
Maybe he did it because he needed a break and so made this to take his mind of the main game.
He may of done it as an experiment.
Or to trial a technique so he dosen't effect the main game.
That sounds like Gumdrop not Braindrop. No one wants that. And... judging by the reactions, no one wants this either.

Why does every Dev do shit like this like clockwork lol.

I don't believe for a second that every one of these devs has mental health problems. It just isn't statistically likely that this profession of indy porn game dev either attracts people with or causes mental health issues at such a high rate. I mean it's every fucking time a big game like this hits development hell they all say the same shit. Not buying it, don't care if that's insensitive.

I think the truth is they have some skills and very few prospects, either just out of college or in a mid life rut. They fall in love with the idea of making a game and they get some success, but quickly they realize that it's actual work. Then they stop being in love with the game and it's just a chore that they don't really even have to do anymore to make money, because the patreon business model allows them to rake in cash while doing nothing.

Stop believing all the bullshit they're telling their patrons while they're trying to get them to remain patrons. It's a sales pitch. Until he shows something we can only assume he has nothing, because nothing is all we've seen from this game in the last year.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
I was reviewing this picture I think it's pretty much what Brain Drop is feeling about this game.

Your Braindrop is a failure. and I (Braindrop) was just thinking about how different my life could have been... If I never had (WVM) you. So, it looks like he is channeling his grief and frustration into the game. Which probably is not the healthiest way to handle it since it does paint these characters in a dark and tainted picture. If he was fine, I don't think this would even be in the game. Screenshot (209).png


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
I don't believe for a second that every one of these devs has mental health problems. It just isn't statistically likely that this profession of indy porn game dev either attracts people with or causes mental health issues at such a high rate. I mean it's every fucking time a big game like this hits development hell they all say the same shit. Not buying it, don't care if that's insensitive.
That's the big problem, the "i've got mental health/i'm ill" excuses are a meme now they have been done that much.

It also splits the playerbase.

On one hand you've got BD's fans that believe everything he says and on the other you've got those that think he's lying because he's burnt out.

I don't know what the truth is but I have seen the excuse used far too many times and it has made me sceptical.

Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
That sounds like Gumdrop not Braindrop. No one wants that. And... judging by the reactions, no one wants this either.
Well they got something in common.... Both started to release something again after a long time, and it was stuff no one asked for or wanted. Need to look out for creators with"drop" in their name. :ROFLMAO:

Bad phuns and jokes aside. Creators free to do whatever the f they want and feel like. Just as the people that pledge to them can get off the carousel when they don't like the ride anylonger. Serves no purpose to name call etc. People getting annoyed feeling they get served up one excuse after the other, a whole other thing though.
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