So after reading like 20 pages of comments i have concluded that no one knows why Harper was censored. BD at the very least should explain himself on why he is censoring nudity on a porn game.
But i like a challenge so let's detective this shit together. Here are a few possibilities please vote for your favorite with the corresponding emoji.
Patreon censorship: it's no secret that BD wants this game to be 100% Patreon compliant. Since the MC is pursuing Harpers daughter Nat, showing any sign that a possibility that MC is getting with mother and daughter could be weaponized as an incest attempt, irregardless if this is true or not by Patreons policy it would fall close, keeping Harper censored is a clear signal that she is off the table, therfore at less risk of exploitation.
Future update: With the episode landing on a game day we haven't established yet, it's entirely possible that Harper was specifically censored because her full body reveal is ment for the main game. This explains why the others weren't censored after all we have already seen them. Harper's full body reveal may have an impact on the main storyline and game and BD didn't want to cheapen that moment in its actual release.
Some other reason: some claim he's gone fully woke, while others hinted at a massive troll. Maybe he didn't have a reason at all, maybe the scene is due to change, what ever the additional reason may be if you don't like the first two options cast your vote here.