First i want to clarify again that i dont think Braindrop is "milking" people.
But this here is an issue. Depression has different effects on people, ok, some effects are shared but lets leave it there and assume that as correct. You got affected the same way, great.
Tell me, were you a whole year without working? Or lets rephrase it, were you a whole year without delivering significant results in your job, assuming you had one?
Because this is the issue, if you are depressed, you cant use that as an excuse for a whole year. Go to the psychiatrist and get medication, go to therapy and get treated, people were understanding for months, but it gets to the point that it turns into just an excuse.
And i dont say this in a ill manner, but if you allow depression to block you for so long, you are hurting your mental health even more.
And this is why i think having "deadlines" is good, and why it was a very bad decisions from their supporters to vote on "publish when you consider it ready. Because not having deadlines leaves the door open to keep stalling any effort to get out of the rabbit hole.
I think the recent decision Braindrop took was the best in months, and can be the beginning of the process to get out of the hole he is in, but it took him too long to take it, and thats why people have lost their trust.