So I'm not the only one that thinks Azel got a million times hotter right? I'm having a hard time trying to put what changed into words because Azel went from my least favorit, to 1lone of the Top 10 girls in the game for me.
Hotter maybe - but my reaction was the opposite. When I first saw her I thought 'That is supposed to be Azel? Did she get an unmentioned make-over too? Or do I just not remember what she looked like after all this time?' - I then started up a second game instance to compare her to her previous self and was disappointed as she now looked much too young in comparison. Then I read on and saw she actually got an in-game makeover. I just hope the new look isn't permanent now.
There was already a trend with facial expressions getting all the more similar between everyone with each update and every second shot being a duck-face, but it seems now BD switched to mixing it up with everyone getting butt-implants. I'm not on the client path, but Lauren and what I saw in screenshots from Anna seem to indicate that soon they will have half their body mass/weight in their butt ... If this overall trend continues, even if everything starts going well again with consistent updates and such - I'm not sure I would start supporting him again.
Back in the day, I liked the large majority of what I got, everything else mostly being excluded by ignoring Rachael and the clients.
But now, there are ever more design decisions I would be ok with in small quantities, but not as the seemingly major/overwhelming thing represented in the art, as well as story decisions like adding the clients into the main story this much where at the beginning they were intended (or at least I understood it like that) as subscriber influenced side content without ties to the story after the client event itself. Right now there is still enough to enjoy the game if BD is able to pick the shards up again, but I'm not sure enough to warrant support when there are enough other games out there that need support much more/have much less content seemingly evolving in a way I don't care about.