- He wants to focus on 'Birthday renders', but correct me if I'm wrong, this is a shit thing to focus on: It only creates distractions, and supports wanna see CONTENT, not Birthday renders.
- We are all humans. He isn't the only one who lost very close relatives to covid though. It's not that we hate on him going through a hard time, but him being like this FOR A WHOLE YEAR. If this had only happened once, or twice tops, I think most people would be understanding. Sadly, he created a pattern of coming up with a sob story every time it was release day. Every. Time.
- He needs to learn some responsability. "I'm just a kid" "I keep fucking up cause I'm just a kid". Sir, you're an adult. A married adult with a wife and a child, kids don't get married, kids don't charge ridiculous amounts of money for work they don't deliver. It's ridiculous how he keeps calling himself 'a kid' to garner more sympathy, when he isn't one. Sir, you're a grown ass man, act like one.
Dunno what else to say man. I was expecting something like this to happen, but it doesn't mean I'm not disappointed as hell. A tiny part of me wanted to believe he'd still show up to shut people's mouths and be like 'you know what? I know I messed up but here's the update, I finallly delivered something I promised'.
After multiple times pulling the same shit, I cannot take this dev seriously anymore.