The claim only on F95Zone are people like this about WVM? As I stated, Braindrop has no power to moderate what is said about him here. I found complaints on other boards as well, but they are also moderated and a lot of the comments are deleted because people come in like, "Why the fuck did Braindrop...."
Most other boards that have these games are censored, but I still found quite a lot of complaints about WVM on there. So it is not just "here" that people are like this, this is just mostly unfiltered unless people get into arguments.
Let's take a "deep dive" into 4T, if you still want to defend Braindrop!
He actually named a character 4T, meaning she is something like the 40th woman for Ethan or 40th woman idea Braindrop came up with for WVM. 40 is basically her name, so she is either an alcoholic or has hateful parents who had way too many kids!
You have Maya and Josy from Being A Dik. Aubrey and Chloe from College Kings, just as a couple of examples. Now WVM went from you have Jamie and Shauna in WVM, to you have 4T!
By naming her 4T, you are not only making her expendable, you also realize she will be just another meaningless woman who wants Ethan and will be good for a scene or two, and then will be shoved into the background. You basically dehumanized her (these are supposed to be real women) and turned a character from possibly memorable to one that you will mostly remember for her ridiculous name. If she was an android or clone, it could work, but this is supposed to be a sister of one of the established women in the game.
You know, before you even go through her part of the story, that she will be a totally expendable, meaningless woman with no substance, basically a plot device to get another girl into the harem and get a sex scene out of, maybe 2.
Could you imagine being asked who is your favorite girl in WVM, and telling someone, "I really like the new girl, 4T"?
So next time you want to attack us for calling out how incredibly absurd Braindrop and WVM have become, put on your thinking cap, if you can find one, and then you might be able to figure it out!