I'm just trying to make my game. Not trying to mess with anyone or piss anyone off. I'm just making what I find fun and hoping others enjoy it.
I made a lot of mistakes and I regret a lot. I'm trying to put it all behind me and move forward and I understand why so many people are upset with me and I'm not trying to say you shouldn't be. I did a lot of dumb shit. I'm trying to grow and do better.
I've always advocated for people to stop pledging if they weren't comfortable with release timings and I am giving all of Days 32-38 for free to all former patrons, I paused pledges for March and April, and while I am still missing release dates by a bit, things have gotten a lot more stable and content is making it out. In the past 2 months I've put out nearly 4000 renders and while that in no way shape or form makes up for the year and a half of emptiness, I can't change the past and I can only try to do better and that's what I'm doing. There's no other way to put it.
I have no ill-will for anyone here and I while I made silly decisions like teasing the Azel crowd earlier on, that is in no way how I make the game now.
I was very insecure about my game and my "contrarian" side was more of a defense mechanism than anything. I had crazy imposter syndrome and that mixed with everything else led to that year and a half.
I'm not the most mentally sound person, it is what it is.
Luckily, a lot of that insecurity isn't there anymore despite all of the shit flinging.
And if you hate me or my game then that's fine, I don't hate any of you.
I make this game to entertain myself and others, if you are entertained by the game then that's awesome, if your entertainment is derived from writing mean messages about the game and myself then hey at least I made you have fun in some way.
Though you should probably look for a healthier form of entertainment, but I'm no shrink.
Either way, I'm doing better and I'm going to continue doing so.
I hope you do enjoy whatever I make, because I will.
Take care, pirates.