So I decided to give Season 2 a try. I started out as a huge fan, tried defending the creator when everyone was curb stomping him because of the delays, and eventually just saw the whole situation as a farse and laughed at how sad and ridiculous the game had become.
What I was genuinely surprised about was that Season 2 actually does carry on right after Season 1. I thought there was some huge gap in the plot and you were randomly just doing things without any idea why. There are new characters that are written as if you had already encountered them in previous releases, so definitely some awkwardness there. Ultimately it wasn't too bad though (assuming WVM performs a redo at some point of the previous episodes).
The writing DOES at times feel like filler. After the exhibition game, the MC is legit doing 5 billion things including looking for a large portion of the harem that goes missing. Was it necessary? Was there some sort of threat that was at play here? Nope. Just young people being young people and apparently a mom that wanted to get high. What was the point of that?
I did like that Rainn finally has a bit of spotlight after being kind of kicked to the curb. I think Bailey showing pictures how she and her friends were different in high school was pretty interesting. The role of how sexualized the fangirls are in the game is kind of unique? I'm kind of wondering how one of the girls is creating this kind of sexualized cult that's following him around. Where do you go with that in the story?
I am starting to think that by the end of this story...every female in the game universe is going to be fucked by the MC. I mean some of these fans are coming from other states and just throwing themselves at him. I know that harems can have an unlimited amount of characters as a love interest, but there is usually some kind of limit, right? I mean it's getting to the point where the dude is going to take out the trash and the garbage collector is this hot, needy slut that needs love and validation from the MC.
Creator still teases a lot of shit with Azel and company. I understand 100% that they are not going to be a sexual interest in the story, but it seems so bizarre that they would continue to be teased and flaunted. Seems like if the audience playing the game is getting frustrated by that bit of direction you would just stop doing shit like that. MC even has a point where they can joke with their sister about letting Elizabeth think they are in a physical relationship and even when you tell Elizabeth about the two of you being's awkward. Because clearly your sister does/did have feelings for you. And we continue to drive that point home in the story? Just let it go.
I'm not a fan of the lips. I'm not 100% with the changes to the characters either. But in the end I don't think that's a huge deal. Surprisingly...while I have made fun of the black boxes in the past, I actually don't see them as that big of a deal. They look tacky as hell, and I think just blurring the face would be better. Or better yet...what is wrong with having a face for the MC? Plenty of games do.
Certain plot points do seem to be moving though, but I'm scratching my head as to the point of it. Seems like it would be easier to do a time skip to when just prior to the first game of the season. Going on this cruise is going to be weird, and I wonder how they are going to make this drug dealing lady work with the overall story. Maybe she's Millie's supplier and so befriending her makes Millie like you more. Haha.
Anyway just my thoughts. Game right now is "okay." I don't hate it. I don't love it. But I'm interested to see where it's going and ultimately how the hell it's going to end. Seems like the updates are coming pretty frequently now so assuming it stays like'll have to end at some point. And I'm guessing the MC will legit become the God of Basketball and his harem will be the entire planet. The final shot? Earth will suddenly look like a basketball and the MC will be fucking the planet's vagina. And one final choice. "Creampie or shoot away?" Shooting away will cause a comet of cum to spray out and float into the cosmos. The seed impregnates stars and planets and makes them into habitable worlds. The creampie? World becomes happy and healthy and a paradise. Also everyone needs an umbrella for three days of cum rain.