What the fuck does that even mean? When did holding one accountable start being associated with hate?
Don't even know how to address the "blessed benefit" thing.
And that's super gas lightly no one here dislikes the game though many disagree with aspects of it, be them development issues to in-game content.
Did you not say this? Sounds like to me you think your ultra mega super privy
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What it means is I was there during the actual discussions when BD finally came clean about what he was going through. I'm not going off of second hand information like some others are. I see many others that start off with "I heard X" or "so and so said Y". I don't condone the lie's and half truths but I understand the reasoning behind them. I think that a lot of the things he said at the time, He truly believed he could do. He was lieing to himself more than anyone.
As for the "blessed benefit", I may have been a little harsh in my wording. I just meant that no ones trust has any more or less meaning than any others.
Holding someone accountable is a good thing, Returning every time they say or do anything just to bring up something that happened months or years ago is plain bullying. EVERYONE has done something in there past that offended someone else. Thats on them, Never letting them learn from it or move on is not.
I never said I was privy to anything super secret. What I said was that I know things that are not my place to discuss but that anyone with a search and a little effort can find for themselves.
I don't "gaslight". I say what I think and give my opinion. I don't say things to intentionally hurt others. If someones over sensitive feelings are hurt, That's on them. Don't just tell me that I am wrong, If you have a different opinion, Say it. We can talk about them and both walk away with a better understanding.
I hope this helps to explain my thinking and intent. If not, Just ask. I'm too old to pussyfoot around someones "feelings" and have a bad habit of responding in kind. Come at me hard, I will respond hard. Ask a simple question, I will do my best to give a simple answer.