I didn't say there aren't freeloaders, I said it's disingenuous to say that anyone complaining is one. If someone's supporting him then they have all the more reason to have a problem with the chronic dishonesty from the dev, same if someone's cancelled their support over it.
I think the pace the game's being developed is actually alright, could be better but it could be a lot worse. The lack of honesty and transparency from a dev who's making absolutely mad bank on it isn't alright however.
If someone is supporting the dev with $, using a platform like Patreon for example, then the best way to share feedback with the dev is using that platform (either comment or DM).
No dev has an obligation to sort through pages and pages of feedback/praise and yes criticism, on F95 in order to figure out what their supporters actually want. I believe most of us would prefer that development time be spent on actual development of the AVN, versus perusing F95 and trying to sort the wheat from the chaff.
Now, you said:
I didn't say there aren't freeloaders, I said it's disingenuous to say that anyone complaining is one
If a non-supporter is complaining about a dev's creation that they downloaded on F95, then that person, whether they praise, criticize or both, is a freeloader Unless the dev has approved the public release of the rev in question.
I checked both Patreon and SS and neither offer a free version of WVM.
This means that they are taking something for free without providing payment or a service approved by the dev.
That is freeloading!
For former supporters, I've already admitted that I consider this to be freeloading as well - and I admitted that I do this as well.
Finally - how much bank a dev makes has nothing to do with the need for honesty and transparency.
A good dev will work to be honest and transparent with their supporters, regardless of bank.
How much he makes/month neither increases nor decreases the need for good communication with his supporters.
BD has room to improve here (communication - underpromising and overdelivering, versus the converse), as I've already pointed out in prior posts.
Good supporters also understand that RL is still a thing and a dev can be impacted just like the rest of us.
Believe me, no one want to go through life like this: