Crimson Fire

Mar 12, 2022
LMAO another release date that wasnt kept.. I consider myself an very creative person and even I cant come up with enough BS to explain it. The man needs help asap
This has been a constant for the dev after his first rapid and too frantic initial release schedule. People told him to slow down you'' burn out and he didn't listen then he started to burnout, got a girlfriend stop releasing then he... everything under the sun from breakup, mental and physical health problems. I think the ancient aliens guy with the alien hair showed up to tell us I'm not saying aliens are causing delays but ALIENs. released a censored side story or something. More delays with releases. I'm not sure what is going on but the game i doubt will ever be finished. We might get a release when he feels the need to virtue signal about an issue.

I stopped following the game a long time ago to be honest i just pop back on to see the chaos.


Active Member
Jun 3, 2020
Posted as a comment on his last dev update about 6 hours ago:

" Had some technical difficulties with BSODs on my main pc the past few days. Kept getting watchdog violations but I haven't messed with any of the hardware so I spent a good chunk of time checking drivers, ended up swapping out everything I could with spare parts I had but it's still hard crashing about 5-10 minutes after boot. Guessing it's a bad Mobo at this point as that's the only thing I don't have a spare of to check. So, I'm a little behind on the final changes I was making. I have 14 renders and 3 animations that got tweaked set up to cook right now. Once those are done I'll be good to upload. I've been up for a long time trying to make up for the time I lost troubleshooting my pc and I've made it to a point where I just have to wait on this stuff to finish rendering so I'm going to get some sleep. I'll have it out sometime late tonight / early tomorrow. Will upload as soon as things are finished rendering. Sorry for the wait. "
Braindrop kept bullshiting on the update date release, so...



The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire
We dont need no update
let the MF burn
Burn MF, burn
Last edited:


Apr 8, 2021

Dev Report #26 (October 20th, 2023)


A day early for this but this will be a short Dev Report, I'm just going to touch on the update.

The first part of it was slated to come out yesterday but that was when I assumed I would be finished rendering / making the alterations I had planned.
I ended up having technical difficulties with my main PC that consisted of many BSODs. After much troubleshooting, I'm pretty sure the mobo is dead though there's still some tests I plan to run after this update is out.

My main machine is by far my most powerful one and my intentions were to render animations on it for the remainder of the days I had and losing it put me a good bit behind schedule. Though I've grabbed the gpu out of it and put it in my secondary PC to help speed things up.
I posted in the discord about how I had made it to a point where all I have to do is wait on these remaining images and animations to finish rendering before uploading.
Things aren't going at the speed I had thought they would based on some tests yesterday and there were a few complications that I lost some time on... so it's taking longer than I had hoped it would.

But, there's not too much left at this point. As soon as the remainder of this is finished. I will be uploading and posting this update. I'm also shrinking the release between tiers to 30 minutes.
So whenever it is released, it will be released to HoF/MVP first and then to the next tier every 30 minutes.
As I've already stated in the last report, pledges will be paused for November as I am not happy with how I've handled decisions around the release. I apologize for the continued wait, I want this out just as much as you guys do.

The second part of this release is still scheduled for the 24th. Though it may need to be delayed by a day or two due to me being down a machine. I'll keep you guys updated.
Thank you again for your patience.

But yeah, that's all I have to share for the moment. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. As always, thank you all so much for everything and please take care. Spread some love and have a wonderful week everyone! ❤


Apr 26, 2021
" and losing it put me a good bit behind schedule " LMAO what is your fucked Definition of Schedule ? and " Thank you again for your patience " misses just a FEW and again to be sincere.
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Feb 29, 2020
At this point I'm just here for the dev reports. It's obvious where all his creativity is going. :poop:
The list of excuses is long and very creative, he even goes beyond the limits of ethics and morals, the guy had the audacity to say that his "best friend" committed suicide, that his "aunt" and "grandfather" died, and of course, we have the classic excuses of the "serious health problems" he had, the "serious structural problems in the house", the "technical problems" with the computers he uses, "the marriage" with his "girlfriend" who appeared suddenly and the news that she was "pregnant". The guy is a compulsive liar, but he was smart enough to get the pity of a lot of people, both here on the forum and elsewhere, the moment he realized that his lies were no longer working, he left the forum and began banning anyone who criticized him on Discord and Patreon.


Jul 15, 2017
The list of excuses is long and very creative, he even goes beyond the limits of ethics and morals, the guy had the audacity to say that his "best friend" committed suicide, that his "aunt" and "grandfather" died, and of course, we have the classic excuses of the "serious health problems" he had, the "serious structural problems in the house", the "technical problems" with the computers he uses, "the marriage" with his "girlfriend" who appeared suddenly and the news that she was "pregnant". The guy is a compulsive liar, but he was smart enough to get the pity of a lot of people, both here on the forum and elsewhere, the moment he realized that his lies were no longer working, he left the forum and began banning anyone who criticized him on Discord and Patreon.
I dont even believe hes married, or has a child
i mean this clown? having a kid? jesus
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