Coming close to 4 months since his last update, and still no new update.
I wish I could say I´m surprised, but I´m just disappointed.
There are different kinds of Developers, the dedicated ones are the best.
When confronted with obstacles and problems they keep going on, pushing forward.
I´ve read different situations, one Dev had a fire in a chimney of the house he rented, and still he kept on going.
Another VN had technical problems with his machine and had to send it to the seller to solve the problem, but he kept on going.
Yet another one, who had his patreon shutdown and lost access to the money, was forced to travel many miles to try to solve the situation, got very serious back health problems and in the end, steam rejected his VN, with health and debt problems he had to find a new job, said the VN was not going to be finished and said his goodby to his supporters, and guess what? a few months later he came back to working his VN.
What I mean is they had setbacks, that caused delays in developing their VN, but they kept on going.
And then we have braindrop who created this VN, but since he started it he has spent more time creating bullshit excuses than creating updates for the VN.
I understand that Devs are people like me and you all, that have their lives, families and working jobs, cause very few can live out making VN´s, but come on, braindrop actions and words speak for themselves, he only does this for the money.
I mean, since the start it's excuse after excuse, either he is the most unlucky person on the whole planet, or he is full of BS.
If someone calls him out he kicks that person out, he can´t deal with criticism, he surrounds himself with supporters who stroke his ego.
In short, he simply doesn't care.
He does not deserve to be called a Dev.
I like this VN and would like to see it finished, but I do not believe it will be anything more than a milking machine for braindrop.