I cannot fathom why anyone would still be paying for this at this point. Anyone who hasn't caught on to his performance by now isn't safe left alone
you know what i don't blame him at this point, if a sc***ag milker showed you his true colors and lied time and again and you keep on feeding and enabling that behavior then as a rational/sane person where lies the blame!!!! let me elaborate...
i'm on the camp of that every individual is entitled to spend his money wherever he choses, and i don't wish nor advocate for anyone for his livelihood to be jeopardize but please you as a pateron of his (and this is in no way an attack on you) don't be amongst those left of us that uproar against the cancerous behaviors that plagued AAA gaming industry for years now and for the past few years are ravishing through our beloved AVNs industry ( thanks to the bad apples that abuse the shit out of fucking patreon model), you lost that right
patreon is meant to be a safe haven for artists but thanks to people like Braindrop it became the dream and catalyst for all the wrong reasons sadly
it started out with Icstor who laid out the template and build a school of milking so vast that his legacy will be intact for ages to come with a graduates like this dev!!!
Oppaiman who bombarded you on steam for months with news about his "store" and promoting the shit out of it to direct you to another paywalls in the name of "helping other devs" which in fact against steam's TOS and finally he got the proper pushback from the community for it, all the while he gave his patrons crumps for updates (blaming 4k on his milking amongst other things) every once in awhile, in fact wasn't episode 2 supposed to come out last year???? and look how successful he still is and continue to be!!
i can go on and on about Icstor's disciples, but we'll be here all day, i can forgive the master because before his latest project at least he has other finished projects and he completed his latest one recently, as for the followers can any of his successful disciples like this one say the same or have something to brag about other than making bank on patreon while milking you!!!??
so in all these milkers cases they have one thing in common? they're making bank on patreon with no oversight or accountability thanks to their generous patrons, and the circle will still continue unless those patrons decide to hold these milkers accountable, imagine out of his supporters a thousand or more band together and cancel for awhile to make an honest dev out of him, he'll instantly walk the straight line once again like when he first started, until this happen there's no hope!!!!