You know what could fix this up for BD, release chapters 13 and 14 as they are (no one cares it's a fuckfest, it's what most people are paying him for). Then "start fresh" and make chapter 15 not be all about introducing another 10 girls(the other team cheerleaders still needs it's introduction), and having sex with 3-5 different women in one day, and sit down and progress the story and fix the pacing going forward..... it's pretty simple to do a turn around if he feels it's too much about sex and not about story. A chapter doesn't always have to be just "one day" that's progressed.
But we all know that isn't the real reason for all these delays.... His excuse blogs probably now has more content than the game at this point.
Game hasn't been about story since like year 1, now he's suddenly woken up 4 years later complaining it's too much about sex when he needs to release two chapters he's been delaying for 8 months? after he already stated the chapters were done and being tested, but then compiling issues happened?
Then to also drop a notion he thought about scrapping parts of the chapter cause he isn't happy with it, even after all the re-rendering he supposedly did the past two months? Tell me what avn developer would be insane enough to let images be wasted like that, images that are basically the product to sell an avn, something they could go back and fix later anyways, we have devs that already do entire chapter revamps later on, he himself wants to do an early chapter revamp too.
All that really says to me is he's dropping hints for another future excuse for a delay, well I decided I didn't like the chapter so I'm scrapping half of it, the render count is back down to 100... um yeah good way to lower the number of renders he probably never had in the first place.
At least the thread has been entertaining.