I think what fascinates me most, and why I still kind of follow BD's antics, is how unbothered by all of it he always seems. The guy has no shame and it kind of makes him a worse liar.
Like, say you're so deluded that for some reason you believe him about everything or at least about the most recent excuse with the power being out. Why would BD then be so nonchalant about everything? For one, he has been accused of lying so much that you would kind of expect him to provide more context to convince people of this power outage. Also, with all the delays, if that actually happened to me, that just when I wanted to upload an update, I had power issues, I would be so frustrated and sorry at the same time, I would not make dumb jokes in the discord.
To me, it almost feels like BD being a liar has, in his own mind, kind of become an open secret. Like he just needs to provide the pro forma excuse to keep up the game but he feels he knows that nobody believes him anymore, so why bother putting in any effort into the lying itself. It's like pro wrestling, it's just performance art at this point to him.
But the weird thing is that that is obviously not true with his followers on Patreon and Discord, they actually believe him to some extent. It's like he is treating it as pro wrestling while the audience still think it's boxing despite him making no real effort to convince people it's boxing.