why do you people even follow this page if you hate the guy so much find something better to do
This here is way better than any update that bullshitdrop can post.
The guy is living at the expense of a cult of supporters that worship him, pay him money for nothing.
We are not expecting for an update because there is no update, every message that guy posts in his discord is another lie, another bullshit, and if someone says something, either the message is deleted and its author banned, or they start a shower of smiles to push the message to the previous page so bd doesnt see it, as it might delay even more the updade that never comes.
Its not
US that need to find something better to do, as we are having
A LOT OF FUN, its you blind supporters of bd who need to open your eyes.
If you stop your subscriptions, and bd stops receiving any money, then he will have no choice but to start posting updates, or he will have to become a beggar at the church door.
Oh, and look at this, no one threatning me to delete this message or I will be kicked out of the thread, how sweet is the taste of freedom of speech.