I know he supposedly follows NFL, but if he follows the world Juniors (IIHF under 18 hockey) then I wonder if America loses thier game today , then maybe will "affect his mental health" and he will need a longer time to "recover" so the date of Jan 5th, which by the way he said he wasn't going to give public releaswle dates anymore, will blow past with no communication.
He won't use this as excuses, he will say the baby got sick. I can comfortably say that as this baby is 99.99% likely fiction. I would never jinx a real baby, but this dude has lied about everything else, what's to stop him from lying about that.
The thing with lying is, you start off small. Then when you get away with it for so long, you ramp it up. And etc and etc. At least that's how the liars i knew growing up operated.
Anyways, be back on the 6th to see if this guy follows through. If not, this maybe my final post here. And if that's the case, it's been an interesting ride! Peace be with you all.