Honestly can't see a way forward where MC doesn't end up banging Harp, he's turned her life around & she thinks hes cute, with the bond nat & Harp share the worst case scenario I see IF they dont agree to share him, nat would 'give him up' for her mom or vice-versa.
Next subject, I'm taking what Zoe said as a personal challenge! Not gonna be a GF? Gonna have to crank up the intensity during our next encounter! I've never seen that classroom being used by people but I Can't be the only one waiting for someone to find that pen & see what they do with it lol.
Not gonna lie here, only heard condoms mentioned twice (Shauna once & Tia shower) it's a minor thing for me, I dont care for them either but curious how MC trusts that every girl he gets with is clean and/or he assumes won't get pregnant or doesn't care, I just feel like him & new girls should go get tested, lmao yeah yeah I know ...... >;D