What's wrong with you?
Well ackchoolly... (deep breath)
When you combine the thick gooey consistency of molten cheese with a crunchy crust, especially one that is deep fried, with honey-mustard, part sweet, part spicey, two flavours that both cancel and supplement each other, go figure, and has been a staple of the culinary world since before early hunter-gatherers domesticated the early ancestors of chickens that eventually evolved into chickens as we know them today -thus proving once and for all that yes, the egg did come before the chicken- and you then add to the flavour by dipping it into the acidic environment of a young teen's pussy (in this case Bailey, but feel free to substitute a teen of your choice) you achieve basically what is called "Umami", or the 5th taste. One that supplements the original 4 (sweet, salt, sour and bitter) and as a term originates from Japan and defies further definition. Now as a professional chef, even I would struggle to define the term to someone who isn't aware about the chemical changes that occur in food while preparing them and how each change affects the perception of how food tastes, as even a minimal difference in heat applied, for example, can cause a vastly different outcome.
So the best explanation I can give is think about how my fingers would taste after the ass-pull I just did in the previous paragraph.