Okay so I've played a complete game from scratch to the end of this update, and I don't know yet how to express in words how I feel. It'll take me a few days to completely wrap my head around it.
Braindrop I feel that from past interactions, you won't take what I'll have to say personally. I love this game and want it to succeed, more than any other game and I hope you know that. But I have also been critical of certain aspects in the past and that's not about to change. Just know that it is intended as constructive critisism to help you grow as a writer. Think of me, of us, as your editors. We're not trying to dictate your story, we're just trying to help you tell the best story you can.
Believe me, I've butted heads with editors in the past, but at the end of the day, they always had my best interests at heart and this is a similar situation.
Not today though. Earliest I can promise is Saturday, but I WILL get to it. Let's just say that my love/hate ratio is about 75/25 and you can take the hate part with a grain of salt. It's not really that black or white, more greyish.
And before I forget, THANK YOU for this massive update. I love you and I am glad to see you back to form.