And there it is The Matrix. never surprised when someone uses that as an example. but lets go ther for a second. what was said is the first matrix was perfect a utopia but not all people could live with it that way so they had to create a second one. Now in regards to The Matix having heavy drama well on a scale of 1 to 10 it is about a 5 or a 6 in drama which is about the current drama level of this games story. But back to the game. If we were stuck in the game permenetly i would agree but with everyones current reality why not have a suger coated world to escape to. Everyone has there own side in this. Some can not live without drama others want a happy escape. Right now this game is a happy escape with light to medium drama. if i had my say i would not add any drama that would overly mess with the harem. But all of this is a moot point. The creator has the final say. It is there story to write.Did you learn nothing from the second Matrix film? A perfect world isn't good for the human mind. You need the heavy drama to keep things working.
Just adding i believe the story is in my opinion is perfect so far.
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