I think the perceived problem any of us has with any VN is that we all have things we want to focus on, but can't. You see something in game that you feel is slowing the progress towards your own personal goals in the game with characters. Like things that seem unnecessary like adding a bunch of new characters, adding violence, drama that seems to come out of no where, characters that you just can't seem to talk to, characters that hide things from you, not focusing on tasks you want to focus on, etc.. That problem becomes greater and greater the longer some players have to wait for their pay-off, or frustration hits when you realize you could have done something sooner but didn't get an option to that ends up prolonging the things you want to avoid. These are things that are common in a lot of books and games.
Take this as an example in Lord of the Rings novels the whole story could have been skipped if the eagles where summoned in the beginning to take the ring to mount doom. If that happened would the story still be a classic like it is now. No, we have to go through that journey meet all these crazy characters, have drama between characters, go on side quests, not focus on the group that has the ring. Now in the end those things that deterred you from focusing on the ring brought so many interesting things out, and brought together so many important things in the long run, but also had things you probably didn't care about as well. Now don't get me wrong I am not trying to say WVM is on the lines of a classic series like the Lord of the Rings, I am just trying to get you to think about it from a different perspective.
Hell I want BD to focus on Stacy and give me Stacy content, but you know what I am enjoying every bit of the game waiting for the content I want. Sure there are things he has added that I did not like (Ryker hitting Wendy, I hate violence towards women from men, or how a character acted in a scene), but I can look past those things and focus on the big picture. There are several stories going on here that are trying to be told and so many of them tie things together. Some of those things happen and are clear why they did, and other things take time for you to understand the importance of why it happened. Sometimes you have to suffer through some things you are not a fan of, sometimes you don't and get an option to skip them. The point is if you skip certain aspects you miss out on the full story.
Now don't get me wrong here I have no issues with those that are upset about the drama, or all the characters or whatever. I am just trying to have a healthy conversation with you all and trying to get you to look at things from a different perspective or another angle. Sometimes things are not a bad as they seem when you see the larger picture and sometimes when you skip out on the various parts your story gets boring and you can miss out the details needed to make it great.
I know I come here all the time to discuss things about this game, sometimes you guys agree with me and other times you don't. I am ok with that, I will come here and continue to discuss the game every day. While I know in most cases my opinion is just my opinion, and it should not matter to anyone else. If you like what I say great if you don't that is fine to, as we are all entitled to our own opinions. I love hearing what you all have to say and opening up for a healthy discussion. Since I have joined this community the group here for the most part has been great. We actually have adult conversations and really don't make people feel bad for expressing their opinions. Sure we have those few taboo topics that have caused issues, but for the most part this is one of if not the best thread out here.
Thanks to anyone that made it to the end of my long post, and sorry for rambling on again.