Hey there brothers, Just finished playing the 0.8.3 version...I'll try to make a longer comment, please forgive my english, since it's not my native language.
First of all, the updates doesn't cover full days, right? From what I could gather here, BD plans to release updates twice a month...I dunno, might as well wait a bit more to keep playing, at least until another day is complete...What do you guys say?
Secondly, I can't help feeling a bit annoyed (or sad, I don't know which word I could use here) about the whole Jamie pregnancy thing, I wish it wouldn't be mentioned as often as it is by the characters....I have that kink, just...Oh well, I can see it loosely relating to a personal trauma of mine, about having kids while too young and such...I don't fear anymore about the VN ending, since you guys gave me that it ain't ending anytime soon (thank God!)...
And Jamie being so kind and understanding of MC banging others is really for the sake of having a harem VN, right? I can realistically understand having her and Shauna, but having such a green light to have others? Can't imagine anybody behaving like that....I wish we could have a way to just stick with them in the future, I dunno...kinda rambling now, I guess...
I love Jamie so much, heavenly artwork, and I'm still considering having her face in a future tattoo....BD is a god, and this VN is nothing but amazing!
Sorry if I sounded too critic, like a downer or anything....Hope you guys can understand where I'm coming from...
Happy New Year! ^_^