I must confess, I read this new update from him as: I promised a lot, but didnt do it, so now Im gonna release small updates over time, to give myself time to do the work and hide that I didnt do it before. But give me some time to do even that, cause I actually havent done anything at all.
I really do like this game, gave it a great review, and I stand by that... But the dev is at -1 rating atm. I simply dont trust him anymore. Too many excuses, to many times with nonsensical delays.
Shit happens to everyone. But this guy seems to have everything under the sun happen to him, on top of handling it extremely poorly.
Im chronicly depressed, and have more diagnosies with it. Including a 0 stress tolerance. Any changes in my life, can tilt me the fuck out. But I dont EVER let it effect my work, at any point. Because, priorities. I have a depressed friend live with me in my house to share expenses, and his priorities are like this dev. Things that dont get him out of his rut. Selfindulgent in his misery and full of excuses. Cant even keep a 8 hour a week job (2x4 hours work days), because of it. But can easily be active 80 hours a week with (active and social) hobbies and helping others, just not himself. I went to the emergency room, monday last week. Went back to work next day. Wednesday my friends mom burned down her kitchen, she is now occupying our sofa and livingroom untill she can return. Im still at work. She cut herself on my kitchen-knifes because i keep them ultra sharp (used to work in food business), and had to go to the emergency room thursday. Sat there with her untill 3am before it got fixed. I still went to work the day after. Everything in my life is fucked up atm, And I still go to work, because priorities. My friend who has bad priorities, lives for endorfin kicks. So he doesnt do anything that doesnt give him a little kick. Fastfood, no chores, gaming, flirting. Living by three rules unconcioucsly (does it give a kick, is it easy, is it safe and something I know) What ever he can to feel alive for three seconds, and not a though outside of that. And then he gets even more depressed by the guilt of not doing what he should have done. Im suspecting this dev is pretty much the same, but he reached a state where the income is a given in his mind, and the work doesnt give endorfines anymore. It became an every day chore, and he neglects it heavily.
I see the same excuses in him as I do in my roommate. And the same result. So yeah, I dont trust the dev anymore, and I suspect an abandoned tag in the future.