
Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
You guys remember when this thread wasn't a toxic cesspool and a pretty cool place to hang out and talk about the game.
Yeah you also remember when BD delivered on a regular basis without making a bunch of excuses for delays. Remember that time when BD wasn't afraid of criticism and deliver the update anyway. Yeah those were good times!


Jun 30, 2018
I must confess, I read this new update from him as: I promised a lot, but didnt do it, so now Im gonna release small updates over time, to give myself time to do the work and hide that I didnt do it before. But give me some time to do even that, cause I actually havent done anything at all.

I really do like this game, gave it a great review, and I stand by that... But the dev is at -1 rating atm. I simply dont trust him anymore. Too many excuses, to many times with nonsensical delays.
Shit happens to everyone. But this guy seems to have everything under the sun happen to him, on top of handling it extremely poorly.
Im chronicly depressed, and have more diagnosies with it. Including a 0 stress tolerance. Any changes in my life, can tilt me the fuck out. But I dont EVER let it effect my work, at any point. Because, priorities. I have a depressed friend live with me in my house to share expenses, and his priorities are like this dev. Things that dont get him out of his rut. Selfindulgent in his misery and full of excuses. Cant even keep a 8 hour a week job (2x4 hours work days), because of it. But can easily be active 80 hours a week with (active and social) hobbies and helping others, just not himself. I went to the emergency room, monday last week. Went back to work next day. Wednesday my friends mom burned down her kitchen, she is now occupying our sofa and livingroom untill she can return. Im still at work. She cut herself on my kitchen-knifes because i keep them ultra sharp (used to work in food business), and had to go to the emergency room thursday. Sat there with her untill 3am before it got fixed. I still went to work the day after. Everything in my life is fucked up atm, And I still go to work, because priorities. My friend who has bad priorities, lives for endorfin kicks. So he doesnt do anything that doesnt give him a little kick. Fastfood, no chores, gaming, flirting. Living by three rules unconcioucsly (does it give a kick, is it easy, is it safe and something I know) What ever he can to feel alive for three seconds, and not a though outside of that. And then he gets even more depressed by the guilt of not doing what he should have done. Im suspecting this dev is pretty much the same, but he reached a state where the income is a given in his mind, and the work doesnt give endorfines anymore. It became an every day chore, and he neglects it heavily.
I see the same excuses in him as I do in my roommate. And the same result. So yeah, I dont trust the dev anymore, and I suspect an abandoned tag in the future.
So I'm replying to this post because what you say about chronic depression hits close to home and I will apologize right now if I sound like a dick, but that is not my intention whatsoever.

The thing about depression which you need to understand is that it is a psychological problem and not a physiological one. It is not like a flu or COVID where everyone gets varying degrees of the same symptoms. It is completely different for different people. You say you went to work everyday and didn't let it hamper your work and thats great but generalizing that to everyone with depression is wrong. I was diagnosed with chronic depression too back in 2020, alongside a healthy dose of anxiety with multiple troughs as my therapist called it ranging from mild to severe depression that went on for almost a decade (simply because I was not willing to accept it and seek help due the stigma associated with it in my country). Now I worked for 2 years while depressed (till may 2017) and I was miserable every minute of it even when I was reconized as one of the best employees in the company. It meant nothing to me since I was mostly working on auto and separating my emotions completely. Anyways at some all that came crashing down and I resigned and got into that same pattern you described for you friend. I know why I followed that pattern and I'll explain that later.

But moving on in 2019 I went for higher education in a foreign and pushed through the 1st semester somehow but all that misery that had built up crashed down on me in the 2nd one and I got to a point I never ever want to get to again and lets just say the only reason I'm typing this right now is because I failed at that too and luckily for me found a much better option and I can say wholeheartedly that I'm glad to be alive right now.

Gettin back to your friend. I was in a similar pattern of playing games , wathing movies/series/streams just so I could keep all that built up misery (emotions) at bay simply because I was not even close to brave enough to handle them. So I would spend all my awake time keeping myself occupied with something/anything to feel somewhat sane and as such I dreaded going to sleep since I had nothing to distract me there. But after going to sleep somehow, I would start that exact same pattern again and as you can imagine this only worked for so long till 2020 as I described above.

Now the reason I made this post is not because of BD - at this point I don't expect an update and I will get back to this later. The reason I made this is just to give you an example of depression affects people differently and your friend might need serious help. From experience, what I can tell is that you fight your way everyday through it but I genuinely feel you need help to really get over it and actually move on with your life. If you acn talk to your friend instead of judging them based on your experience, since they might be afftected by the aame illness but in an extremely different way. Just a suggestion and its entirely your choice, don't take this to mean "yo dawg, you know nothing about depression and I'm right!" Thats not it. Just simply an example of a different reaction to depression and I hope it can help your friend out.

Now back to BD. The way I see it, there are 2 option. 1) he really is going through depression/anxiety or any other mental (makes no fucking sense) health issues that have supposedly been going on for over a year. In this case he really should shut down this whole patreon bs and seek help either from someone who knows him very well or from a professional (and I do mean professional not one of those judgmental assholes with a degree in psychology/psychaitry whatever) because he ain't getting over this the way he's been going about it.

2) it all bullshit and 2k renders don't exist. Dude is just buying himself time to play catch up for 1 year of nothingness.

I'm more inclined towards the 2nd one simply because I don't know him and there have just been too many devs before him, who've followed this exact same pattern. Funny thing is, when I got out of the whole situation I described above and started working again I wanted to support some devs and BD was one of them. For obvious reasons I decided I would wait for the next update and well here we are - money saved.

Anyways, too long a post, but I do wish you and friend the best. Hope thing work out for both of you.
Mar 27, 2019
Nah, he needs the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Or maybe Chtulhu to MAKE him release or else...
NOPE!!! I'm sleepin' off a pretty good bender under the ocean right now...not getting ANYWHERE in the middle of all this. I'm just gonna stay here dreaming about this shitshow (from both sides) and eat me some dream popcorn until the hangover wears off and the Earth looks tasty again.
Sep 16, 2021
I know what depression is. I have like a dozen suicide attempts under my belt, 2 where I ended up in intensive care then the mental unit. NOT an excuse to go almost ONE FUCKING YEAR no release. Get your fucking ass in gear or GTFO! No more of this bullshit beta or side projects that are CENSORED (what were you thinking?) Get a real update released! Not stupid bullshit! 6 months is unacceptable. Maybe you need a pimp rather than a drill sergeant? WHY DIDN'T YOU GIVE A NEW RELEASE (SLAP!!!) What's the matter with you???(SLAP!!!!!) Get out there and do it! (SLAP!!!!)
this is embarrassing lol jesus

Wen I Say

Mar 17, 2019
I'm not a patron and I never comment on how long it takes a dev to put out a release. I'm a pirate it's not my concern, but holy fuck what is this nonsense. First of all the only way an update could end mid sentence would be if he cut a render in half, or did it on purpose. If that was an attempt at humor after all this bullshit he should've reconsidered.

His patrons voted to get larger updates instead of the small chunk updates. Now almost a year later he decides fuck that I want to take the large update I supposedly have done and cut it up into small chunk updates. Plus it's going to take 2 months or more to release all of it. No dates on when any of it will be released either.

The ditlo was a horrible idea. I love Harper she is probably my favorite character, but you don't make a day in the life of Harper when you have to censor it because you don't want that to be the first place she is seen nude. Pick a different character if that is the case, or simply don't do it.
Bruh..... at least i'm not the only one throwin a flag on this play. This is bullshit through and through not enough white shields in the world to block this shit.
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