
New Member
Dec 23, 2019
Does anyone know if Vegas is taking odds on Games that will never get updated and/or games that will only be updated to prevent the Abandoned Tag? Cause this is looking vaguely like Milfy City - I supported BD for over a year - but dropped support in January - There is no need for him to continue with updates until the numbers change or the abandoned tag comes up.

At some point - you just wish devs would A) ask for assistance - or B) pass over design and keep creative ownership - maybe C) just pass the game to public

I'll check back around July/August - see what updates are promised and what good humor this thread provides

BD - if you read this - good luck and I hope you make a comeback to a regular schedule


Oct 26, 2019
Well the patreons are funding the whole game development from the beginning. He is doing this full time since he's making 100k+/year with 3000+ Patreon/supporters pledging.
After the game is complete, he's free to profit from it while also getting free funds while making it. You supporters will get whatever each tier gets. Virtual stuff.
If devs were getting 1-2 grand a month, it'd not have been such an issue. There's simply no incentive for a dev to work hard on his project where supporters have 0 stake on the project. They can work at their own pace with zero liability. This is a fraudulent model of game development no matter how you look at it. The game developer doesn't take money for renders, they take money for their time which is take them for their word.
So I don't blame the devs for taking time to do their work. Their behavior is enabled by this fraudulent model of supporting where they are able to get a lot of money for their time.
This is something everyone who supports a developer in this community should be more concerned about. This model is not good for supporters, it's extremely skewed in favor of developers.


Active Member
Jul 15, 2021
Well the patreons are funding the whole game development from the beginning. He is doing this full time since he's making 100k+/year with 3000+ Patreon/supporters pledging.
After the game is complete, he's free to profit from it while also getting free funds while making it. You supporters will get whatever each tier gets. Virtual stuff.
If devs were getting 1-2 grand a month, it'd not have been such an issue. There's simply no incentive for a dev to work hard on his project where supporters have 0 stake on the project. They can work at their own pace with zero liability. This is a fraudulent model of game development no matter how you look at it. The game developer doesn't take money for renders, they take money for their time which is take them for their word.
So I don't blame the devs for taking time to do their work. Their behavior is enabled by this fraudulent model of supporting where they are able to get a lot of money for their time.
This is something everyone who supports a developer in this community should be more concerned about. This model is not good for supporters, it's extremely skewed in favor of developers.
Die young being a good developer, or live long enough to become an ICSTOR


Aug 10, 2017
Well the patreons are funding the whole game development from the beginning. He is doing this full time since he's making 100k+/year with 3000+ Patreon/supporters pledging.
After the game is complete, he's free to profit from it while also getting free funds while making it. You supporters will get whatever each tier gets. Virtual stuff.
If devs were getting 1-2 grand a month, it'd not have been such an issue. There's simply no incentive for a dev to work hard on his project where supporters have 0 stake on the project. They can work at their own pace with zero liability. This is a fraudulent model of game development no matter how you look at it. The game developer doesn't take money for renders, they take money for their time which is take them for their word.
So I don't blame the devs for taking time to do their work. Their behavior is enabled by this fraudulent model of supporting where they are able to get a lot of money for their time.
This is something everyone who supports a developer in this community should be more concerned about. This model is not good for supporters, it's extremely skewed in favor of developers.
Well the last time I was able to see the total amount pledge to patreon it was around 60k a month. Unless the total is yearly and not monthly. That being said I can see why people may believe he is milking the money from his supporters. As even if his defenders come to his defense and say he pause the pledges. Yes he does but as I said if the total is figured monthly. It would take one month pledge to make him 60k. That is more than a lot of people make for the whole year. So yeah even if he pause the pledges for 10 month out of the year that is 120k before patreon take their cut and what not. I am not saying BD is milking his supporters and even if he is. That's between him and the supporters. It's their money, if they want to give it away to him with nothing to show for 6, 7, 8 months all the way to years at a time. More power to them. I can't understand it myself because a update that he has say should only has a few days of work to be done. Yet the release keeps getting delayed by months now. I can understand having a tough year but when it becomes one reason after another. It starts to feel like useless excuses.

That being said is why I think it would be a better policy to just say the update will be out when its done and nothing more. Explain the reasons to your patreon supporter. They are the ones that need to be keep happy, so they keep supporting. Which BD must be doing cause he has 3,500 supporters still. That or they have the money to keep supporting him without worry of seeing results. All the posting about the update is almost finished and will be out the next week or so only to be delayed several times. Does is upsets people and make BD's word worthless in my opinion. It will probably start costing him supporter and stop others from starting a pledge.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
Well the last time I was able to see the total amount pledge to patreon it was around 60k a month. Unless the total is yearly and not monthly. That being said I can see why people may believe he is milking the money from his supporters. As even if his defenders come to his defense and say he pause the pledges. Yes he does but as I said if the total is figured monthly. It would take one month pledge to make him 60k. That is more than a lot of people make for the whole year. So yeah even if he pause the pledges for 10 month out of the year that is 120k before patreon take their cut and what not. I am not saying BD is milking his supporters and even if he is. That's between him and the supporters. It's their money, if they want to give it away to him with nothing to show for 6, 7, 8 months all the way to years at a time. More power to them. I can't understand it myself because a update that he has say should only has a few days of work to be done. Yet the release keeps getting delayed by months now. I can understand having a tough year but when it becomes one reason after another. It starts to feel like useless excuses.

That being said is why I think it would be a better policy to just say the update will be out when its done and nothing more. Explain the reasons to your patreon supporter. They are the ones that need to be keep happy, so they keep supporting. Which BD must be doing cause he has 3,500 supporters still. That or they have the money to keep supporting him without worry of seeing results. All the posting about the update is almost finished and will be out the next week or so only to be delayed several times. Does is upsets people and make BD's word worthless in my opinion. It will probably start costing him supporter and stop others from starting a pledge.
He never went beyond $23k monthly
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Aug 10, 2017
He never went beyond $23k monthly
Okay might of mix his patreon with another developer but I knew it was still in the double figures a month and 20k ish give or take still quite a bit. So my point still stand that in a couple of months he was making what a lot of people are for a whole year.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
Which is $276,000 per year.
Wow, you sir really are good at Maths! :KEK:

From that money we should detract the months he paused pledges and the Patreon fees, so he actually earned way less than that. Also, that was at his peak, nowadays he is probably getting even less. Still, I'm not denying he is a successful dev and is well paid, no question about it. Just not so well paid as some people seem to think.


Oct 26, 2019
Whatever he or other top developer makes, they're making it for their time to make renders and then the whole product. It's like lawyers charging for their time but with zero transparency. And they're not making it from some big donors pledging the most. It's a lot of people crowdfunding for something none of the supporters have any financial stake in an actual product. It would have been one thing if every supporter gets a certain service for the money they're pledging every month like a netflix or youtube tv. You can pledge money for a year then the developer can bolt without delivering anything. Or use fraudulent tactics to slow down the development enough to not entirely piss off their supporters. There's a lot of money that's being transferred here without any transparency.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
Which is $276,000 per year.
That would be true if he was charging his current patreons every month. If that was the case, then he should have had this update out by then. Patreon is a business. WVM is a business. BrainDrop is making a game. People are not paying Braindrop to get married or go on vacation or have mental breakdowns, they are paying or giving him money to make a game. If he didn't care about money like he says, he would not need a patreon account to accept money. But he wants to do this instead of working a job that most people do across the world to support their families.

But I think he would end up losing his patreon support if he kept making promises and then providing an excuse for a delay. So I think he pauses his patreon to keep those supporters on the page. So when he needs a quick payday check, he turns it on and provides an excuse that he has been working the month prior or redoing animations that he did 10 months ago.

Interesting that one of his discord messages says he made some animations like 10 months ago but yet no one has seen this but he feels he needs to re do them????

At the moment, I don't see this being completed. It will most likely get abandoned. Braindrop can't keep his promises. It is almost July. Today is the 22nd. I don't see two updates, not even one yet. All I see is excuses to why the game is delayed or not out yet. This has been going on for months.

Also I was a past supporter but at that time, he was on the ball, he was making timely updates. Now it's whenever? Part of me wants this game to be successful and to be completed but contrary to that. I can't blindly believe, because his lack of actions or excuses have surmounted to a landfill of delays. Now from a business perspective it would be unacceptable.

I would like to eat my words by Braindrop to start providing updates and making the game, but until that happens, I don't think my opinion is going to change any time soon.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
Whatever he or other top developer makes, they're making it for their time to make renders and then the whole product. It's like lawyers charging for their time but with zero transparency. And they're not making it from some big donors pledging the most. It's a lot of people crowdfunding for something none of the supporters have any financial stake in an actual product. It would have been one thing if every supporter gets a certain service for the money they're pledging every month like a netflix or youtube tv. You can pledge money for a year then the developer can bolt without delivering anything. Or use fraudulent tactics to slow down the development enough to not entirely piss off their supporters. There's a lot of money that's being transferred here without any transparency.
That's debatable, really. People support a game developer for many different reasons. Getting updates is just one of them. Some people pay because they actually care for the dev and trust his word when he says he is struggling, others pay for the work he has already done so far, and others just don't even care since it's peanuts money for them. Of course, if you subscribe only because you are convinced by his promise of a future update, and you don't get that update, you have all the right to cancel your pledge and accuse him of 'false advertisement' or whatever, but even then you won't be really able to do anything else since Patreon model means that you are not buying a future work but supporting the creation and getting some perks in exchange, and he has indeed created something and his patrons receive what he promised on his tier list: access to his discord server, to his mind-drops, to his polls, and also to the game - when released. After all these months without a proper update, I honestly find it hard to understand why 3.4k people are still supporting him monthly, but that's just a testimony of the quality of the game and how he was able to build trust precisely by not taking people's money when he didn't deliver. He always sounded sincere and he did as he promised, so now there are a lot of people who are still willing to believe this is just a temporary block. And the fact is none of us can really prove he's being dishonest and not working on his game. So everyone has to judge by themselves if he's worth their money and act accordingly. And many people still think it's worth it, even when confronted with the same facts that lead other people to call him a milker and a fraud.

Everything is way more complex than people tend to express in this forum.


Jun 17, 2020
well its easy for us freebies to complain, and yeah he makes 10x more a month then me in an entire year. with all the bad stuff happening each time he is near a release, setting his word back even further.

but lets not forget, us here on this site get updates for free, someone in there releases it for us on their own accord, if they see all these complains they might deside not to give us a free update.

and lets not forget, the reason why peaple complain is becouse so far he gave us a story we enjoy playing, otherwise there would be no reason to complain, if the product he releases was bad then yall would have moved on by now, not even looking back.

so yall need to butt out, and merely be patient, even if nothing happens.
As for me, once WVM hits steam, ill still end up buying it (Just like Being a Dik) for i enjoy the story.

Greetings Riggnarock


Feb 3, 2020
That's debatable, really. People support a game developer for many different reasons. Getting updates is just one of them. Some people pay because they actually care for the dev and trust his word when he says he is struggling, others pay for the work he has already done so far, and others just don't even care since it's peanuts money for them. Of course, if you subscribe only because you are convinced by his promise of a future update, and you don't get that update, you have all the right to cancel your pledge and accuse him of 'false advertisement' or whatever, but even then you won't be really able to do anything else since Patreon model means that you are not buying a future work but supporting the creation and getting some perks in exchange, and he has indeed created something and his patrons receive what he promised on his tier list: access to his discord server, to his mind-drops, to his polls, and also to the game - when released. After all these months without a proper update, I honestly find it hard to understand why 3.4k people are still supporting him monthly, but that's just a testimony of the quality of the game and how he was able to build trust precisely by not taking people's money when he didn't deliver. He always sounded sincere and he did as he promised, so now there are a lot of people who are still willing to believe this is just a temporary block. And the fact is none of us can really prove he's being dishonest and not working on his game. So everyone has to judge by themselves if he's worth their money and act accordingly. And many people still think it's worth it, even when confronted with the same facts that lead other people to call him a milker and a fraud.

Everything is way more complex than people tend to express in this forum.
Yandere Dev, people WILL follow blindly for a PROMISE. So there is nothing you can do, but wait and see it unfold.


New Member
Jan 24, 2022
Is it worth playing this game ? Looking for good games like foot of the mountais & Being a Dik but it seems this one is abandonned so I don't know if it worth time to play it
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Message Maven
Mar 28, 2017
Well the last time I was able to see the total amount pledge to patreon it was around 60k a month. Unless the total is yearly and not monthly. That being said I can see why people may believe he is milking the money from his supporters. As even if his defenders come to his defense and say he pause the pledges. Yes he does but as I said if the total is figured monthly. It would take one month pledge to make him 60k. That is more than a lot of people make for the whole year. So yeah even if he pause the pledges for 10 month out of the year that is 120k before patreon take their cut and what not.
You do realise that for a dev with around 3000-3500 patrons to be making 60K per month
all of his patrons must pledge 17-20$,right?There was no such dev ever.
BTW I am afraid you must check your eyes.
The best Braindrop ever reached was 22-23K.But around that time he was pausing his page each month.
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Jul 5, 2020
i mean hear me out as a patron and fan at this point i really just dont get it not gonna dog pile or even agree but yeah,its kinda a problem i hope he just goes strong after this lengthy hiccup
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