Yall need to calm down. So many complaints against the dev and you are all here downloading it for free.
Personally not a fan of 3dgc VN's, but I have to hand it to this guy that he achieves something different than the standard shovelware. Sometimes dev cycles get held up by 3rd parties. For example, sometimes i have to wait to release an update because my artist cant make a timeline. Its just part of being a smalltime developer.
BD works alone. He certainly makes enough money to hire out for help. However he doesn't want to have monitor other peoples work or take away his time from working on the game. He wanted to do it alone. If I'm remember what he said when this was brought up a number of times. Of course it doesn't seem like he really wants to work on the game anymore, so he should probably look into it.
Some delays?

A year with only the DITLO (a terrible idea) and a 300 render update when there are supposedly more than 2000 renders finished and have been for awhile. Well if we are to take the "fucking awesome" BD at his word. Must be an interesting world you live in where no one is ever held accountable. I don't imagine much gets done though.
Most of the people on here complaining aren't the trolls that complain over anything, but fans of the game who have gotten tired of hearing all the excuses. The last one being completely ridiculous. He is feeling sensitive and couldn't handle it if the big update got bad reviews. That's a child's mentality. Anyone over the age of twelve should've realized by now that no matter what you do you can't please everyone.
I really like this game and have given BD plenty of credit in the past for pausing pledges and being upfront with his supporters, but that's just not the case anymore. Now it just seems like a dev who has gotten tired of working on his game, but doesn't want to give up the money. He doesn't even keep up with the mind drops anymore.
He said back at the end of May that he was breaking it up into chunks and wanted everything out by early August. Well it's mid July and we've only seen 300 renders. Anyone still think that's a possibility? I hope like mostly everyone else that he gets his shit together and gets the game up and rolling again, but to be optimistic about it at this point is crazy.