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Hey guys.
I took a bit of a sudden break from all of my socials. I had announced I was doing so on discord but I said I would be doing so after the next chunk of update was out.
I've been struggling with a lot of things and I'm far from perfect.
I was feeling very out of touch with the game. Things turned from making a game I enjoyed into battling myself everyday.
This year has brought about a lot of changes in my life. Some good, some bad. And I've been trying to figure it all out.
Doing that on its own is tough but adding on the situation with the game and people talking about you like you're some kind of comic book villain when in reality you're just trying to get through it however you can... it's been weird.
I hit an all time low mentally after the recent chunk. I'm doing better now but it was rough for a bit.
I had originally planned to only take a few days off of things but then I got sick and I also went on new ADHD medication... and this stuff isn't exactly fun to talk about so I guess I wasn't in a rush... but here we are. Sorry if I made anyone concerned about me.
I still love making WVM.
Taking a break from socials has really showed me how much of my jadedness was with everything except making the game.
For my own mental sake as well as the game. I plan on taking a long break from being a public anything.
I will not be reading the comments on this post or anything game related for a while.
I will be hiring someone to manage my Patreon / SubscribeStar for me.
So you won't be left in the dark. There will still be mind drops but they will probably be bi-weekly instead of weekly.
I will share information with whoever will be running it and they'll write and maintain the posts for me.
I just want to make the game. This all started as a hobby that I just decided to share with others and that's how I plan on continuing on.
I'll still be around on discord, though I'll likely steer clear of any game discussion channels. I'll have the person that runs socials to report game bugs or other issues to me.
You'll see me complain / celebrate about the Steelers season in #sports mainly.
As far as release dates and updates go, I do not plan on ever saying anything about them again.
Talking about them only fucks me up. You'll know about them whenever they are released.
I'll probably say something on discord when it's uploading but that's all I plan on.
The last thing I'll say is that I added an extra path to an option in this next chunk and that's why it isn't out yet but it will be soon.
And that's that.
This was basically just a post to let you guys know that I'm still here. I took a break from socials but I've been working the whole time.
And I always feel it's necessary to say that I completely understand all of the frustration. If I was on the other side of the screen I'd be upset too.
Nothing I've done has been malicious. I'm genuinely just trying to make it through this rough patch and into normalcy.
If you believe that, cool. Thank you for understanding.
If not, no hard feelings. Please remove your pledge and do something pleasant with it. Took much negativity going around and you don't owe me anything and I personally don't want your money if you are upset with things.
Nothings final. You can remove and come back when the wheels are spinning again.
All former patrons will still receive all updates from Days 32-38. You just have to be in the discord to get the link.
Thanks for listening and I'll talk to you... later.
Love you guys.