
Aug 10, 2017
ItS JuSt A hObBy1!1!
AnD ThAt'S hOw ItS sTaYiNg! Got to love a hobby that as he said in one of his Braindrops he wasn't going to pause the pledges that month because he has a family to support with the pledge money. (probably wasn't exactly how he worded it, but I don't want to go and find it. So it will have to be close enough) Oh well guess that make his patrons more of charity workers helping to support his family. So he can work on his hobby in his free time. Which must be very little free time.


Aug 10, 2017
But he hasn't turned off charges since 2020 when he started to go through problems. Since then, he brought up possibilities of turning them off, but decided not to throughout all of 2021 and this year.
But But but thats because he polls his patrons and ask them if he should pause or not and the vote that he should keep the money flowing. LMAO
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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2018
But But but thats because he polls his patrons and ask them if he should pause or not and the vote that he should keep the money flowing. LMAO
Vote or not doesn't matter. A good person would pause it without even asking. If ya can't work or deliver a update for an amount of time just pause it and it is good. Atleat this would be a thing where the Trust is not complete destroyed.


Aug 10, 2017
And not all people, especially creative people, can work with a whole team. But you don't seem to stop to consider that. Everyone as different can and can't do. And there are a lot of creators that can't function by delegating tasks to other people. With the way they do stuff, their work is way more harmonious if they have their hands in every steps of the way.

Some people say DB makes huge money, and I know a lot of people instantly jump 10 sharks calling devs greedy the second they make a single cent, but if they never considered hiring people, that might be because there's a reason for it. And in all logic, it's either that they have cirumstances that make it so that they have little of that money left to do as they please (random example but huge medical bills would suffice to oblitarate earnings, especially if the person recieving it lives in the US...), or they don't feel like they could make it work that way.
All he or she was saying is there are ways for him to still have control over the direction of the game. He or she was now saying the needed to hire a team. It makes little difference, what most people are upset about isn't about him not hiring a team its the fact that he is making over 10k a month and not delivering on anything he says he is working on. As far as people can see he is saying he is working hard on the game and a update is almost done. Yet shown little to nothing of his work in months other than excuses. Add that to all the postings of an update will be out on this day. Only to have him not deliver on what he has stated. It is starting to look like BD is a liar. So how can people believe him when he says he is working on the game? How do they believe him and he isn't out just spending the money having a good time? Which if he is just out spending the money having a good time and not working on the game. That my friend is not only Greediness, but messed up.

And in case you missed the memo, nobody here or even on their Patreon is entitled to get personal informations on the dev's life. There could be a host of things going on in their life plaguing them.
But no that's way easier for most to just get mad and accuse them of scamming. That's definitely gonna make them work faster than ever before, not get more and more fed up with the idea of even continuing...
Because, you know...
Devs aren't persons with lives and problems you don't know about.
View attachment 1962406
If personal life is affecting him delivering the update that was around 2000 render back in Dec / Jan. Which was almost done back then. Only needing a little more work and bug testing from a few people. Delayed all the way until July and broke down into one 400 renders update. Than the guy need to put the game on hold until he can get to a place he can pick up working on the game. I can't see how an honest person would keep taking money from his supporters. Knowing he was giving them nothing in return.
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Message Maven
Mar 28, 2017
You do make it sound awfully like the one thing you care about in this game is seeing the baseball match, though.
Like, most adult VNs have something that is basically more of a setup for the whole thing, like a country would be for example. Not so much to be the central focus. Yet you seem to want that to get the spotlight...
Or is it that you consider that the game should have been finished by now, with every different plots and subplots closed as well ?

And feel free to facepalm this post as well while you're at it. You seem to get a kick out of facepalming anything I post. And I thrive on that kind of salt.
I don't want to see a baseball match.


Mar 17, 2020
The point you fail to consider in this, is that hiring a team to work on a story means giving up the certainty that the project will go the way you want it to. As more voices get added, there are more steps, and thus a growing potential of something not being made the way you envisioned it.
What people are saying is that BD should hire some help. Not bring partners on board. It is both easy and expected to retain full creative control when you hire people to do specific jobs that don't revolve around the creative side of things. Posing & rendering would be one thing that should be easy to outsource after the initial setup and brief. I would class posing as a technical skill and not creative but even if you didn't it is something that can be trained and monitored in real time.

For some people, it's a problem, as they have more or less a clear idea of where they're going, and would rather avoid deviating from their plans.
This kinda contradicts what I was just saying as requiring him to be in control of the creative aspects might just be the problem, but it should be painfully obvious by now that BD has absolutely no idea where the story is going. If you got to the surprise basement princess and thought "Yep this guy knows his shit, he has everything planned like a 4d chess grandmaster" then I don't know what to say except... no I got nothing. You're on your own at that point. The dude might have some really rough outline of the way things are supposed to go but there's definitely no master script he's working off.

Let's, for example, consider renders. If Braindrop wasto hire someone to do the posing and rendering, they're take the risk of the renders not being the way they planned them to be. And having to carefulyl detail and explain, or even sketch it, would basically take as long as doing it themselves.
Well shit you mentioned it yourself. He has thousands of renders to use as source and training material, but if he just can't bring himself to allow someone to do that then bam! He does his damn job and does the posing himself. It shouldn't even be necessary though, there's plenty of ways to check off on work in progress when it comes to something done on a PC.

People tend to just throw the "you make huge money, you're rich, just hire people to work faster", but that's not always a good solution. Mind I remind you of Breeding Season that took this path and ended up imploding, too ? All it needs is team members fighting for the whole project to collapse and dissapear totally.
There's a lot of truth in that. More hands don't scale linearly, two people working on a project is not going to take half the time or end up with twice the amount of work in the same amount of time. I have no idea what Breeding Season is, I just want to say that there's a big difference between team members or partners and employee's or contract workers. People aren't saying that he should share a slice of the pie they're saying he should hire someone on a fixed wage, a contract, whatever the fuck and get shit done because it's obvious to everyone that what he's doing now is not working. Creative differences is not something that happens when you're clear with the person you hire that they will have no creative input. If that doesn't work out then hire someone else.

Personally I think he should hire a mom so they can kick his ass into gear and manage his time for him. I mean the dude can't manage himself he definitely couldn't manage an employee.


Dec 23, 2017
BD announced anything recently?
He's announced that he's not going to personally announce anything about game status/updates ever again. He's apparently going to hire someone to "manage" his social media but he's done talking about the game/updates. If you believe him, that means the only communication we are getting from him will be that a release has dropped when it does.
Dec 29, 2020
He's announced that he's not going to personally announce anything about game status/updates ever again. He's apparently going to hire someone to "manage" his social media but he's done talking about the game/updates. If you believe him, that means the only communication we are getting from him will be that a release has dropped when it does.
Good, then we can look forward to someone laying out his woes and weeps for us to roll our eyes at. Maybe he can recruit a dairy farmer, good for the milking.
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