Just played the update and can confidently say I don't know what just happened. It felt like we saw a lot, but at the same time 90% of it was meaningless and dragged/overstayed its welcome (Eg. The court scene), not to mention the interuptions during the lewd scenes was such a mood killer that it makes me wonder how BD thought it was a good idea.
The second thing I've noticed since a couple of updates ago and especially in this one was that Jamie seems to be the only one the mc gives his secret sauce to (especially if Shauna is involved). I get they're trying to get her pregnant and all that (stupid in its own way) but its already starting to feel repetative and its clear who BD favourites the most out of the two.
After playing several VNs on this site I feel like Skye shouldn't have been trans. Its obvious that BD sees her character as a girl and treats her as one. The whole getting pissed at Jax (get to him later) for calling her his gf felt really weak and forced. Like he needed to create some fake drama so that Skye could see MC for the white knight he truly is. This is all without even mentioning the reason Skye identifies as a guy is because she grew up around her dad and brothers (I think, don't really remember her background). Not to get political or anything but wouldn't this make more sense if she was just a tomboy?
I also don't believe that guys (especially athletes) wouldn't be looking at her in the changing room when shes got her top off and exposing herself (I know they're probably all gay/married/dickless but c'mon) and not having certain thoughts/reactions.
Now Jax... Honestly, I can't take this guy seriously. Its like what a hipster would imagine a bully would look like. Anyone whose ever gotten into a fight before can tell that this guy just ain't it. He practically reeks fakeness. But considering how fragile BD is as a person I can understand how he'd feel that someone like this could be threatening.
As for the more technical aspects of the update, I think someone said it before but it would have been in BD's best interest if he kept it all first person, those black boxes didn't do him any favors. Also its 2023, sex scenes should have more than just one angle. Even new devs incorporate this better than BD. As a fan of Shauna I gotta say her scene was very disappointing.
On a lesser note, BD needs to quit with Shauna's whole "woe is me trans thing" we've been through it before, no need to keep rehashing it, it gets old quick. And the MC needs to have some realistic qualities about him, because right now this man is only a couple of steps away from being this world's version of Jesus. He's so perfect that it'd make Cell blush (Props to anyone who gets that reference).
All in all, the update was fine. If this was two years ago I would have even been excited. But unlike BD, I've grown, seen more that VNs have to offer and experienced better stories with greater forms of character development. Hopefully (unlikely) BD will grow by the next big (real) update.