
Game Developer
Mar 11, 2024
-Overpromised + false expectation that lead to burn out.
-Small excuses that continuously adding up and the inability to suck it up and admit that he lied.
-Keep writing himself into a corner by adding characters after characters that he doesnt have the plan, intention nor the capability to deliver a coherent narrative for. Because it's easier than writing an actual coherent story.

note to future self and other baby devs to avoid these mistakes.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2017
I remember when this game was just starting out - big and very frequent updates - even too frequent. Folks in the comments were advising BD to slow down to not burn out. And now I've realized that it was 5 years ago, damn (and BD has completely burnt out - or just lost full passion, but the money is too good).
yeah wenn it all startet he brought an update every one and a half week maybe two if i am not mistaken.
and then it was already 150 to 250 renders.
add a litte more to it and you have the amount of renders what he brings out every few month now.

a decent updatesize is 300 to 500 renders a month for the most developers here.
of course that depents on the game that is beeing made.

so yeah it would be better for him if he would go where he was lets say 4 years ago.


Active Member
Apr 29, 2020
Haven't been on this thread for a looooong time, did BD ever released the supposed rework which was supposed to make the game coherent? if i remember correctly after he altered the days or something like that.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2017
Haven't been on this thread for a looooong time, did BD ever released the supposed rework which was supposed to make the game coherent? if i remember correctly after he altered the days or something like that.
no this guy seems to be cursed :whistle:
every time he announces something,something happens to delay it :cool:
and no he spoke about the rework in discord maybe 2 times in 1 year.
and the rework is supposed to be closing gaps where you see new characters,and you do not know where they know you from.


Jun 2, 2020
I'm not sure if more frequent and larger updates would make WVM any less dull. I think the less we see, the better for us... lol

Better Cock Spock

Half Vulcan, Half Simp
Jul 29, 2017
I like Hannah. I like Eden. I like the idea of taking Hannah's virginity. What I didn't like was how fucking LONG it took. When Belle said she needed an extra twenty minutes, I think it literally took 20 minutes to get to the end of the lewd. I didn't even finish the update, there's just too much fucking reading. It will never fail to amuse me that one of the reasons for the Season 1 rework is to deal with the 72 hour days, but he actually managed to exacerbate the problem.
I'll have to meet Daliah (Delilah? Deliah? What's her goddamn name?) tomorrow. Maybe.

Neko-Chan Pacifica

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2021
I wonder if you can guess the number one requested feature of Grandma's House?
"Can we fuck Grandma yet?" Over and over again every single freaking update!

So yeah I am sure there would be takers here.
I have often wondered why Moon doesn't allow players to have sex with the Grandma. I came to the clear conclusion after all these updates, there never will be, and there are going to be a lot of very disappointed people. I just can't see the logic or sense in postponing such a stupid event in the first place, unless your going to milk the naive who think they will be able to have sex with her. You can tease the player base only for so long before they give up. This game has had far more updates than any I can remember in a long time. Keep the updates coming, keep the patrons happy, under a delusion one day you can have sex with Grandma, a day that will never come..the game will just end lol

Neko-Chan Pacifica

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2021
DPC is open and honest about how long he and his team will take to complete an episode.

Each episode is extremely detailed, long, introduces new mechanics to keep it fresh, has a coherant story, massive replayability and is on time to the set timetable.

no one is bothered by long spaces between updates if they are advertised to us in advance (Light of my life for example) it's when developers lie and gaslight it's a problem.
hahaha 'honest' that is a word he simply cannot or very likely never will be able to comprehend.
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Active Member
Jun 25, 2022
This games development would have been so different if BD had just focued on the main group of females from the first classroom+coach. Then stuck to telling the story of a star basketball player actually attempting to fix the schools team. Instead we get a movie star basketball player moving houses every other day, going off on cruises and getting suspended from said basketball games (so the dev doesn't have to render a game) and having 45 different LI show up and disappear immediately (more wasted dev time).


Active Member
Aug 18, 2019
wanna know something sad?


i really wanted this to succeed once :/

EDIT : after reviewing a ton of Borpa's replies over the last 3 months, apparently, he doesn't like his game anymore because "it's just a bunch of people fucking for no reason with no story progress or continuity" - - that's why you don't let polls decide your game routes and only for cosmetics and pin-ups
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Neko-Chan Pacifica

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2021
I remember when this game was just starting out - big and very frequent updates - even too frequent. Folks in the comments were advising BD to slow down to not burn out. And now I've realized that it was 5 years ago, damn (and BD has completely burnt out - or just lost full passion, but the money is too good).
no, he is just milking his braindead other way to say it. This game changed significantly with season 2. The over used imaginary things he was suffering from. The lies he told about the game repeatedly, the uneeded changes to the way the girls looked..Now every single model is ducked faced or looks like a chipmunk, case in point MC girlfriend. She was always so ugly to begin with, now she is a lot worse and that took some doing.

People today complain about too many girls in his harem. Not every character was going to get their own back story, people simply didn't understand that point. It wasn't in the dev's plan. Most of the characters where fillers, so he could run stories in and around them or off them, but never about everyone of them. It never mattered how many girls there where, when you realized this point. Today people still complain about how many girls there are..without stopping to think, do I understand half of what I am reading? If you did, then you'd realize there was zero point to complaining about how many girls there are. It is 100% irrelevent. The only characters that matter are core / central ones. Can you imagine trying to write a back story for every single girl, then give each girl their ingame story set aside from their back grounds? Neither could I, it would be pointless / meaningless.

People can suck up to him all they want, but the man is a compulsive liar, a patron milker, and a severe hypochondriac, anything to take longer and longer to make more money. People spent a whole year giving him money, when he was doing nothing but being a hypochodriac. Then the real mess he made of the game, came before even the first update to season 2. He said and I quote him, the first update of this next season will be over 2gb in size, there is a lot of content. The real truth was a shitty update, that had endless bugs and black boxes over faces, and the introduction of duck billed aliens pretending to be girls / women. The story had changed, he even altered season 1 to fit with season 2. Season 1 is what made him, the first update of season 2 ended him. The only reason he continues to push this utter shit down people's throats is so he can continue to milk them for their money, nothing else.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2021
Let's not veer into blasphemy lol . While there are indeed issue with the way things slowly move and advance in DIK ... the quality of those two games and their updates could not be further apart . When an episode did drop for DIk , it was actually substantial . And it's still coming from someone that actually finishes his games , and good ones at that .
As long as you consider killing off LI's a good game. Haven't touched his shit since the first game.
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Dec 19, 2021
I stopped playing this game a couple of updates ago, so around a year back or two. Been so long I can´t remember.

The only reason I can now find for playing this game, being a patron, or having any form of contact towards the developer is that this is the best reality show I´ve seen in ages.

Like, I check up on the thread, read a couple of pages and just laugh at the outrage, and at the excuses of the developer.
He´s pretty much a real life Donald Duck with the supposed amount of his bad luck.

I love this. I hope he tries to keep milking people just so I can keep reading this thread whenever I feel like I am a shitty person and just feel better about myself.
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